Tiny child mark and jack x motherly reader. (Vore)

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Jacks POV

    Me and mark got turned into kids by Anti and Dark. We are now borrower kids with no parents. We still have all our memories but also some new weird ones as well, like I have this weird memory that I only feel safe if I get vored? I hate vore so I don't know why that even popped into my mind one day. Mark said he had really weird memory's as well.

Like he only feels safe if he's surrounded by water. But he hates the ocean so I don't know why our fears are our memory's of feeling safe. any way today we needed some more food so we headed out borrowing, we were about 6 years old we looked the same except we had no facial hair and we looked like six year old's.

We walked out on the counter but forgot to look out for humans and there seemed to be one watching T.V at the table. We made sure to be extra careful and quiet and not get caught. But while we were grabbing food the human got up and walked over to get some food as well. Mark was able to hide but I got grabbed and lifted up to a curious looking face.

I instantly got scared and wanted to be vored to feel safe. "Whoa who are you? And how old are you, you look very young." "M-My name is Jack... and i'm 6. Pwease don't huwt me... I just want to feel safe." They had a look of guilt on their face.

"How can I make you feel safe jack?" "Awe you a pwedator?" They nodded their head nervously. I told the how I feel safe and they looked at me. "Oh, sweetie i don't do that thing, plus it would kill you.." My eyes started water as I said "What about stowage?"

They thought for a moment before nodding as they saw that I was getting upset they lifted me up to their mouth and gently dropped me in. They sealed their mouth and started licking me slightly before swallowing me sending me to the storage stomach. I landed and sighed as I finally felt safe, "Thanks, I have a fwiend behind the toastew who feels safe when suwwounded by watew." "You're welcome and I will take care of your friend."

Marks POV

   The toaster moved and the human came into view. I knew that they helped jack becuase I heard them talking. "Hi your friend told me you were here. Whats your name." "Mark" I responded they pinched the back of my shirt and lifted me up and placed me in their palm. They got a glass and filled it with water before gently placing me in the water. I instantly felt calm and safe, I started swimming around and heard them laugh slightly. "I'm Y/n... Y/n L/n. I can take care of you if you want?"

Y/n's POV

I heard both boys say yes and felt Jack yawn and curl up. I also saw Mark yawn, they must be tired, but they both feel safe. I can leave Jack in storage but not mark in the water, he could drown. I gently grabbed Mark out of the water and told him he couldn't stay in the water or he might drown and he understood. I made a little bed for him on my night stand so he would have a place to sleep while Jack was in storage.

I placed him in the bed and went out to turn off my T.V. I had a couple of grapes and then went to bed after saying my good night to the boys. When I woke up I built another mini bed for Jack and took him out of storage. I gently placed him in the bed and tucked him in while I went ahead and made breakfast. Pancakes sound good right now. After breakfast they decided to stay with me and I was ecstatic because it was lonely here all alone.

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