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Yoongi P.O.V.

I arrive at the shopping center and wander around looking at the different stores

Finally I reach a store called H&M and I decide to go inside to look around

As I wander around the store, I find that not many of the items here suit my taste. But I do pick a few things that would work with my preference in fashion, and quickly purchase the items I do find

Making my way through the mall I pick up more and more outfits and accessories to fill up my half of the closet in mine and Jimin's room

That still sounds odd in my mind, sharing a room with another person...my mate

The fact that I have a mate, let alone two of them is still an adjustment for me

I can't help but smile as I think about my two beautiful mates back at the pack house ...Hoseok and I still have to break all the ice, but I still think it'll come with time

While looking at a shirt on a rack I hear my name being called


Rolling my eyes I turn to see who it is

My mouth dropped in surprise, standing a few feet away from me are a couple of my old rogue friends Kyungsoo and Taek-woo

"Yoongi! I haven't seen you in weeks!" Kyungsoo yells

Sighing I walk up to them, just wanting them to stop yelling across the store

"I've been a bit busy lately, what's up with you guys?" I ask looking at them

"Man, Myung-soo has been going crazy" Taek-woo sighs

Kyungsoo elbows him in his side as if trying to make him stay quiet

"Why, what happened?" I ask

Kyungsoo eyes me carefully

"What? Don't trust me anymore?" I ask glaring at him

He rolls his eyes "It's not that I just don't need you running off and spreading this shit"

"Just tell me" I say impatiently

"Myung-soo is trying to make his own pack... like a pack of rogues. Doubt it'll work out, but he still wants to try it. Anyway, he needs an heir to be a legitimate alpha... when he found out he got that omega pregnant it set his plans into motion. But since he lost the child it put everything on hold. We haven't found another omega since, so he wants to get that one omega back to get an heir" Taek-woo says running a hand through his hair

I growl in anger after I hear what Myung-soo's plans are

"What's wrong?" Kyungsoo asks looking at me

"You guys agree with his plan?" I ask glaring at them

"Hell no. The dude is messed up" Kyungsoo says, seemingly frustrated

Taek-woo is shaking his head

"Will you tell me why you're so upset?" Kyungsoo asks

"It's my mate that he wants" I say, running a hand through my hair

"Fuck" They both say at the same time

I just sigh

"Are you okay?"

I frown when I hear Jimin's voice

I glance around to confirm that he's not actually here, which causes my friends to frown slightly

"Yoongi, I can feel your emotions through our mate link"

"Yeah, everything is alright... a couple of my rogue friends are here" I reply

"Alright, please come home soon ...I miss you"

I smile slightly "I'll be home soon"

"I love you, Yoongi"

"I love you too, Jiminie"

"You talking to your mate?" Taek-woo asks

I nod

I stay quiet for a moment but realize that Jimin is done talking

"Alright guys, I need to finish up so I can get home" I say

I talk with my friends for a while longer, explaining all that happened with my last interaction with Myung-soo. As well as telling them about Jimin being my mate, and being the one Myung-soo is looking for

"Fuck, Yoongi... I'm so sorry this is happening" Kyungsoo says

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Taek-woo asks

I sigh "I guess just try to keep me informed about his plans"

Soon enough we part ways and I decide to finish up my shopping

As we part ways I can't help but think about how much I want to keep Jimin close to me, I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. I've only just met him but I can't stand the thought of not being with him

Wanting to get home soon, I quickly go through the mall picking up the last of the clothing and other items I need, before going back out to the bike.

As I make my way back to the pack house I think about what I'm going to do to Myung-soo the next time I see him. That bastard is going to suffer if I get my hands on him

Sighing I pull up to the garage at the pack house and I sense Jimin coming outside

Getting up from the bike I grab my bags and make my way toward him

"Jimin" I say as I wrap him in a hug

"Are you alright?" Jimin asks, kissing me lightly

"You're tense" I hear Hoseok say from behind me

Looking over my shoulder I scowl at him

I feel a gentle kiss placed on my cheek, and look over realizing it was Hoseok that kissed me

Looking at Hobi I see that he's smiling at me and Jimin which causes us both to smile as well

Bumping my shoulder lightly, I turn my attention to Jimin

"We'll talk in my room" Jimin says, taking both mine and Hope's hand in his own

Hoseok and I share a look before being dragged to Jimin's room

"So, what's bothering you?" Jimin asks sitting us down on his bed

"....It's about Myung-soo" I say looking down

I hear Jimin inhale quickly

"Please baby, I need to tell you" I say grabbing his hand

"Are you sure that's a good idea Yoongi?" Hobi asks worriedly

"My old rogue friends told me directly what's going on, and it has to do with Jimin. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened and he didn't know." I say

"You want to go through with this Jimin?" Hoseok asks looking at him

He nods slowly as he grabs Hoseok's hand too

"Myung-soo is trying to start a rogue pack, but in order to do so he needs an heir ...Jimin, you're the one he wants to carry the child" I explain, heart hurting as tears come to Jimin's eyes

"No ...please no"

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