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Jimin P.O.V.

Hearing his words makes my head spin and I don't hear the conversation happening around me

That is until I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I yelp

Coming back to the moment I see that my black haired love partner is the one touching me

Realizing this I recoil from his touch, seeing that Hobi as well as Yoongi are pissed

I guess Yoongi wasn't aware of my relationship to this man

"Jimin... where is our baby?" He asks me, a hard look in his eyes

Hearing the mention of my child from the lips of his father bring tears to my eyes

"Where's the baby?" He practically yells at me

His harsh words cause the tears to flow down my face

I hear Hoseok and Yoongi both growling at him to back off

Not wanting to be here anymore I begin to back away slowly tears blurring my vision

"JIMIN" he yells lunging towards me grabbing my arm, hard

"He's gone!" I yell at him

"What do you mean he's gone?" He asks, fuming

"He was stillborn, okay!? Our baby didn't make it!" I yell, pulling at my hair as the tears keep coming

I barely get the words out before I'm suddenly on the ground, my cheek stinging

He hit me... he actually hit me

"This is your fault! You should've been more careful! You dumb omega!" he yells

I just look at the ground hearing his words, tears streaming down my face

"Don't you dare speak to him like that!" I hear Hoseok yell

"Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" He yells

That's the last thing I hear before bones are cracking and growling echo through the air

I see more rogues coming through the trees, and I quickly get up and run as fast as I can towards the pack house

All too soon I'm tackled to the ground, being flipped over

I can tell the wolf on top of me is him due to the blackness of his fur

He opens his jaws lowering towards my neck, causing me to whimper in submission

This doesn't have any effect as he extends the claws on his paw, starting to dig into my tummy

"Stop!" I yell as I feel his claws begin to pierce my skin

I struggle to try and stop him from pushing harder

Suddenly he is thrown off me, as a grey wolf rams into him

His claws ripping the skin on my tummy, causing me to scream in pain

I hear more growls from behind me, and I tilt my head up to see Jungkook and Namjoon in their wolf forms running towards us

Pressing my hands to the wounds on tummy I don't register the fighting happening

Suddenly I feel someone pick me up and I thrash around trying to get free

"Shh, it's alright my mate... you're safe now" I hear a deep voice say

Looking up I see it's Yoongi that's holding me, and in the light I notice the tear tracks down his face

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