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Jimin P.O.V.

As we continue to talk through the night, I feel as though I learn things about Hoseok that I never knew before. After being in the pack together for over two years I would've thought I knew everything about him

I was surprised at how much Yoongi was willing to share with us, given that he had just arrived today. I'm happy that everyone accepted him so quickly, and I know I probably should've been more hesitant given the situation that happened when I first interacted with him ...but he did take me to the pack doctor. I honestly don't really know what would've happened if he didn't

"Jimin, are you tired?" Hobi asks taking my hand

I look at both of them and smile

Yoongi frowns slightly "Why are you smiling like that?"

"I'm just happy I have both of you" I say laughing

My words cause both of them to smile

"But to answer your question Hobi, I am a little tired" I say as I move off the bed

After admitting my tiredness I slip off my jeans, leaving my shirt on, and I watch as Hobi takes off his jeans and shirt, leaving his boxers

I bite my lip at this and watch him move

Hoseok goes to the other side and pulls back the blankets, sitting on the bed

I sit on the other side and watch as Yoongi stands up

"Alright, where do you want me to sleep? I can go to a guest room or something..." Yoongi trails off

I crawl to the end of the bed to grab his hand

"W-Would you stay with us?" I ask quietly

He looks at me, a shocked expression on his face

"You want me to stay with you?"

I look at Hoseok who just nods

"I'd like you to ...if you don't want to, it's alright" I say letting go

His face softens looking between me and Hobi

"Alright, I'll stay... but if I get yelled at, I'm blaming you" he says sternly

I laugh and I move back to sit in the middle of the bed, wanting a mate on each side

We wait to get comfortable until Yoongi climbs into bed with us, now also lacking a shirt and pants

Hoseok claps and the lights turn off and I can't help the look of amazement that appears on my face

He just laughs "Did you forget my lights do that?"

"Haha, yeah I did" I say giggling

I stop giggling when I feel Yoongi shift to get comfortable and his front presses against my ass

"Sorry" He says pulling away slightly

"I-It's okay" I say trying not to reveal my emotions

I know it was an accident, but I kind of want him to do it again? Since I'm facing Hobi he rolls towards me and kisses my forehead

Honestly, I could get used to this

Soon enough I fall asleep in the arms of my mates

I wake up hearing voices outside the door, given that the room is mostly soundproof the sound is more like mumbles

Noticing that Hobi is still asleep next to me, I can only assume that it's Yoongi talking to someone. Oh, please tell me nobody is yelling at him for sleeping with us

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