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Jimin P.O.V.

The next few days go by in a similar fashion, not wanting to leave my room. Only getting out of bed to use the bathroom attached to my room, and occasionally pick at the food Jin leaves by my door. Looking in the mirror I can tell I've lost weight due to not eating much

As I've been alone, the thoughts of my lost baby and his father constantly attack my mind. I know I should be interacting with others but for some reason I can't get myself to do it

Sighing, I decide that I can no longer feel sorry for myself, and that I can't change what happened. I'm not going to look for the rogue I slept with that night, as he probably wouldn't want anything to do with me anyway

I go to my closet and grab an outfit that won't really show my figure too much

I quickly make my way into the bathroom to shower, taking off my top I touch the light scar on my tummy before I look at my face in the mirror

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I quickly make my way into the bathroom to shower, taking off my top I touch the light scar on my tummy before I look at my face in the mirror

You can tell I've lost weight mostly in my cheeks, but at this point I don't really care

Sighing once more I finish undressing and step into the shower

The water is burning hot, but the temperature feels good's as if I'm burning away all the guilt and negative emotions I've been feeling over the past few days

Not wanting to waste time I quickly wash my hair and dry myself off, I had turned off the pack link all the while I've been upset on my own

Turning it back on I feel a rush of emotions from everyone, varying from concern to anger and frustration

"Jiminie are you feeling alright?"

I freeze as I'm pulling on the last of my clothing.... I guess they felt that I opened the connection up again

Yes, I'm alright

As I pull on my shoes, I go back into my room unlocking the door

I take one last look at myself, judging that I look decent before heading out

Lost in my thoughts of what's been going on, I accidentally bump into someone

"Oh, mianhe" I say looking up

I meet Hoseok's gaze, and an unknown feeling rushes through me

Remembering the last thing he said to me makes me frown and turn my gaze down

"J-Jimin, I'm sorry for what I said... I was just so upset about the whole situation. It sort of just came out.." Hobi says cupping my face

I sigh as I look at him again "What you said hurt ...really badly Hobi, I know you care for me in a way the others don't but it's not an excuse to lash out, even if you feel strongly about it"

He nods looking down

I stroke the side of his face "...I forgive you, but please don't say things like that again"

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