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hey, I just got back from a party, It's 00:40 A.M. and I'm sO TIRED.
but I had fun, kinda.

Mostly I watched these two friends of mine fighting like cRAZY over something absolutely stupid (as always).

I tried to make them think trough it because it was getting annoying but OBVIOUSLY THAT COULDN'T HAVE WORKED.

I hate seeing people fight, it's useless.
And then at a birthday party? Rude.

There was also my ex-girlfriend a at this party, and I managed not to share ONE look or word.

The thing is they (a friend of mine) told me she still has feeling for me, but SHE was the one who dumped me,,,,,,,,

okay, sure.

moving on 'cause It's a long story and I don't want to bore you with it.

I just wanted to write something, you know?

Tell me something about you, whatever you want, just to talk if you're bored.

T.A.L.K.🌻Where stories live. Discover now