Chapter 9- Christmas (The End)

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A/n- Sorry my last chapters were very short I was just tired and had no ideas.

-It's now Christmas Day and Draco, Ron and Harry are great friends. But are Draco and harry something more?...-

*Draco's POV* 

Me, Harry and Ron went to the Gryffindor Tower as it was Christmas Day, as we had just finished breakfast. We arrived outside the common room and Harry covered my ears as Ron spoke the password and we all went in.

Harry and Ron started to open their presents and I sat on the sofa watching them smiling as I saw the happy grins on their faces as they opened their presents. Ron turned to me before opening the resent in his hand "aren't you going to open any of yours Draco?" he asked, "well I assumed I didn't get any since my parents moved and no longer payed attention to me and I doubt anyone would get me any presents anyway." I shrugged like it was a normal thing. "we got you a present!" they said simultaneously, "Really?" I questioned before getting three presents shoved in my lap earning a nod from both boys saying to open it. I opened Harry's present and I got a ring with the Slytherin symbol engraved on it, I stared at it in awe before placing it on my left thumb. From Ron I got an assortment of sweets from Hogsmeade. I had one last present. I ripped off the paper to reveal a green and silver jumper, probably to symbolise Slytherin, and a 'D' in the middle, "my Mum made it for you, she insisted." Ron said with a half smile. Just then the portrait swung open to reveal Hermione Granger with three presents in her hand and she handed one to Ron, one to Harry and one to me. I smiled and opened it to reveal a nice silver watch but on the face of the watch was a rainbow pattern. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The LGBT flag. I smiled and thanked her. 

I grabbed the presents I had for the trio from my side and handed each one to them. For Hermione I got her another copy of 'Hogwarts: A History' as her current copy was torn and old. For Ron I got him a signed poster of The Chudley Cannons when they won one of the national cups. And for Harry I got him a ring with the Gryffindor lion on it and after he opened it he hugged me and he placed it on his finger grinning widely. 

 After we all exchanged gifts we all went to the great hall for lunch. we sat down and waited for the food. when the food appeared in front of us I saw a roast turkey, roast chicken, roast potatoes some peas, carrots, brussels sprouts and parsnips. I took some turkey, roast potatoes and a bit of each vegetable and poured some gravy over the top .  

After Christmas me and Harry agreed to talk with me about what we are. "Hey Harry." I said, "hey Draco. Can I ask you something?" he asked "yeah sure what is it?" I replied. He took a breath and said "Draco Lucius Malfoy, will boy be my boyfriend?" "Yes! I will!" I said and hugged him as he spun me around. 

And that was my Christmas. I loved it.

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