Chapter 4- Where Is He?

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*Harry's POV*

I looked for him everywhere. Where was he? He couldn't be far, I mean he will be in the same school. He wasn't in any classes either. I was getting worried now. I just wanted to find Draco. I went to Transfiguration and sat down, it was quite boring without the blonde to look at.

Finally the day came to an end and it was time for dinner. I went to the great hall and sat down so I was facing the Slytherin table. But I still didn't see Draco. "Have you talked to him yet Harry?" Hermione asked, probably trying to make conversation since I had been sat down for about ten minutes without saying a word. "Well, I mean no not really. I cant find him." I told her "oh Pansy said we might have a slight problem. Go to The Room Of Requirement." she said. I nodded and walked off to The ROR as I called it.

I got to The ROR and walked past three times before the doors opened and I saw a worried looking Slytherin sitting on a sofa the room had provided. Draco looked even more worried as he saw me walk in and stared at the floor awkwardly.

*Draco's POV*





I looked at my feet awkwardly then looked up at him and spoke, "you gonna stand there mouth open to the floor or are you gonna talk?" "oh uh yeah, I uh. Draco?" he said, never heard a mans stutter so much in my life Merlin. "Yes Potter what is it?" "well I uhh, I heard you and pansy talking this morning, and I er-" "oh for Merlin's sake, why did we have to have that conversation out loud. Why didn't me and Pansy just talk in the common room?" I said. "Merlin's beard, So you do like me?" he asked. I mean he did deserve a direct answer so I gave it to him. "I er, yes Harry I do. I've like you since first year and I-" I didn't have time to finish as he shut me up by pressing his lips to mine and before I could process what I was doing I kissed him back with passion and hunger our lips in perfect sync, I put my tongue in his mouth and our tongues danced together before fighting for dominance. I won. I wanted him. So The ROR provided us a comfy, queen-sized bed and can guess what happened there.

A/n - Is this how this thingy works? Well anyway no smut in this story only fluff. And maybe mild fluff. If there are any suggestions tell meeeeee. (I know not many people will read this but hey ho). Okay baiiiiiiiiii.

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