Chapter 5- What did I do?

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A/n- Slight smutt I guess? I don't really know what it is but here you go.

*Harry's POV*

I walked into class and tried to look into Draco's eyes but he averted my gaze the whole lesson. I also tried asking him what was wrong but he avoided all my questions.

What did I do? Like, we literally rocked it last night. I don't understand.

Whatever. After class I went to the Gryffindor common room and saw Hermione and went to talk to her ad told her everything that happened. "I don't understand Harry." she paused "I'll talk to Pansy next class." she said and collected her books and headed out leaving me alone in the common room, until "hiya Harry!" George said, "Hi George, why are you here? How's the business?" I asked. He owned a shop called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes he had previously owned with his twin Fred before he died in the war, now Ron helps George at the shop. "I'm here to visit everyone. Business is good Harry. I see you were in deep thought. Galleon for your thoughts?" he asked me. "Well me and Malfoy confessed yesterday and he said he really liked me ad we did it in the room of requirement and now he won't talk to me. He won't even look at me." I told him. "Ahhhh Harry, Malfoy's a tough one to figure out but just give him time to process what you guys did and if I'm honest, since it's Malfoy I think that in his mind he didn't deserve you. I mean look at what his family did to him. And the hug from ol' Voldy must've been horrible. I'd talk to him. See how he feels about it." he suggested. "Thanks George, I'll go find him."

*Draco's POV*

I walked back to my the common room and I felt awful ignoring Harry all day knowing he liked me but I had to. I don't know why but I felt like I didn't deserve him and I didn't like that felling because I liked him so much. I think I love him.

I heard Pansy shouting as the door opened and I saw Harry. "Come on Potter. He misses you. Well I mean he's talking bout you a lot. Come on!" god her voice is loud. I decide to go and check out the scene and see harry Potter standing next to Pansy. I could tell she dragged him here. "What is it Pansy?" I asked her, even though t was pretty obvious, "Potter has come to talk to you Draco. An I suggest you listen to him!" she snapped. "Okay okay, yes I'll talk to him jeez Pans." she walked off leaving me and Harry, "You were going to talk with me Harry?" I said walking to the sofa, "I uh yeah. Yesterday. Did you mean it?" "Merlin Potter what do you take me for? Of course I did! Heck I think I love you!" Ahhhh shit, well he wouldn't want me now. He walked up and sat next to me, he leaned in and started to lean in and kissed me. I kissed him back almost instantly. Our lips moved in sync as he moved onto my lap. I wrapped his legs either side of my lap and moaned slightly as our members rubbed together and I felt something harden up as me and Harry kissed. I put my tongue on his lip asking for entry and I was not denied. Our tongues dances together before fighting once again for dominance. "Harry, we are taking this to our dorm." I whispered. We went up to the dorm and I sat him on the bed and I climbed on his lap after casting a silencing charm on the room. I wrapped my legs around his torso (clothes still on) and kissed him more. Our members rubbed together as they hardened. I started pushing my hips forward slowly to turn Harry on more. He moaned louder and louder before we took our clothes off and.... well you know.

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