Chapter 2- Dinner

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*Draco POV*

I walked into the great hall with Blaise Goyle and Pansy at my sides and everyone looked at us with surprised eyes. Me, Blaise, Goyle and Pansy Walked over to the Slytherin table and sat on the end away from everyone else since it seems they also hate us.

After all the first years were sorted and seated the feast began. I only ate a chicken wing and two roast potatoes. After the food disappeared we went to the eighth years common room (we got a separate room and separate dorm rooms because there wasn't enough room in the house common rooms.) and there was a piece of parchment saying who we shared a dorm with on the door. I hope I'm with Blaise or Goyle otherwise my life might just end right here, right now. I went to go see who I shared a dorm with and I can't believe it. I'm sharing a room with Harry Potter. Saint Potter. The one who killed good old Voldy.

I walked into the room and seeing as I got there first I chose my bed. I had the bed closest to the bathroom furthest from the door I take out my dairy and read what I have writen. I heard a creak from the door and I turned round to see him. Adorable emerald green eyes, raven messy black hair. Harry potter had entered the room. I cursed under my breath because I knew I had a crush on him, a big one, and now I had to share a room with him?! How on earth am I going to do that? "Uhh Draco? Draco you there?" he asked "Hm? oh yeah I just spaced out for a second. What do you want?" I replied "Well, uh your diary is on the bed. Open." OH crap. I WROTE ABOUT HARRY IN THAT! "Oh crap!" I say while slamming it shut and putting in a drawer. "I...uh I'm sorry about that." I say rubbing my neck facing away from him. "It's fine, I didn't see what was inside but now I'm curious." he answers. Thank god! "Don't be curious, nothing important is in there." I say. "I don't think that was nothing judging by how fast you put that away. But if you say so" he says laughing. "It's just a person I wrote about." I whisper hoping he wouldn't hear, but he did and came to sit on the foot of my bed cross legged. "Ooh it's a person is it? So like a crush?" he questions. "I mean yeah I guess so." I reply.

*Harry's POV*

"I mean yeah I guess so." he says. I hope it's me but I doubt it. I think he's straight anyway. "Ooo. I won't ask who because I'm sure you won't reply, But I have a question?" I say. "yeah go ahead, ask me." He replies, "can we be friends?" I asked him. I hope he says yes. I want to get to know him better. "Yes of course we can Harry." he answers with a smile. YES!!! "Yay, I'm going to go to bed now Draco. I'll see you tomorrow." I say walking to my bed with a smile growing on my face. I went to my bed, got under the covers and fell asleep.

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