chapter 3- Does He Like Me?

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*Draco POV*

I woke up the next morning to find Harry getting changed, I stare for a few seconda then get out f bed and head to the bathroom attached to the room. I finish my shower and put on my underwear and head out to my bed finding my clothes. Out of the corner of my eye I see Potter looking at me like hes suprised or something so I smirk to myself ans gather my clothes puth them on and head out the room, giving Harry a nod, and go to meet Pansy and Blaise in the Great Hall.

I walked into the Great Hall and ignored all the stares and went to sit with Pansy and Blaise since Goyle found new friends. "So who are you two in a dorm with?" I asked, "I'm with Ron and Pansy is with Hermione. What about you?" "I got Harry" I replied, "That's great! You still like him don't you Draco?" "yes Pansy I still like Potter." I told her while rolling my eyes.

*Harry POV*

I was just outside the great hall when I heard Pansy and Draco talking. "That's great! You still like him don't you Draco?" I heard Pansy say. What he used to like me?! Since when? But then I heard Draco's reply and I couldn't believe my ears. "Yes Pansy I still like him."

Did I hear that right? Draco Malfoy likes me? Me of all people. Woah. Draco likes me. His platinum blonde hair, His grey-blue eyes and pale skin make him so cute but he has a loving side. So I've been told. I've never actually seen it. I need to tell 'Mione and Ron.

I ran to Hermione in the library and told her to help me find Ron. We went to find him and saw him with Zabini. We dragged Ron away and went under a tree while I told them what I heard. "Mate are you sure those words came out his mouth?" Ron asked "yes Ron, that is what I heard." I told him "why don't you think he would like me? I mean am I that bad Ron?" "No, no mate that's no-" "will you two shut up, me and Pansy were talking and I told her that Harry liked Draco and she said that Draco liked Harry. There. Now go find him." she said. "Thanks 'Mione, Also Ron likes you and I know you like him. Toodles." I said then ran off to find Draco.

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