513 20 28

Clarke created a group chat
Clarke added Octavia
Clarke added Bellamy
Clarke added Murphy
Clarke added Jasper
Clarke added Monty
Clarke added Harper
Clarke added Miller

Octavia: clarke what is this?
Bellamy: yeah clarke why?
Murphy: clarke why am i on this?? im ur brother i see you everyday..
Miller: clarke whats up
Jasper: im not high u are

Clarke named the group chat: Finn iss a dick

Bellamy: what did he do to you princess i'll kill him

Clarke: that won't be necessary bellamy, but i just found out he had a girlfriend the whole time we were together.

Bellamy: he WHAT

Clarke: it's fine.

Bellamy: Clarke you only use punctuation when your mad so its obviously not fine


Bellamy: clarke...please just talk to me

Clarke: the worst part is he didnt even cheat on me

Clarke: im the "other girl"

Harper: Clarke im so sorry

Jasper: HARPER!!


Octavia: NOOOOOO

Harper: jesus what did i do?????


Harper: bellarke?


Bellamy: guys shut the hell up and actually care about clarke

Octavia: im sorry clarkie its just you and bell are so cute together (btw jas did you see how he
just defended her)

Jasper: oh clarke finn is a horrible human being no one should treat you like that (yes i did it was

Miller: i just finished reading the previous texts (OMG BELLARKE) and sorry about that clarke
but who's the girlfriend??

Clarke: her name is raven and she is going to start at our school when it starts

Clarke: she was in virginia for 5 months before

Monty: was she at our school?

Clarke: no she was at trikru

Monty: the mechanic school?

Clarke: yup, she's a zero-gravity mechanic

Monty: cool! I mean...ok she sounds dumb anyways...

Clarke: no, actually shes pretty cool, she understands that i didnt know and we both broke up
with finn so were actually kind of friends now!

Bellamy: clarke are u sure u are ok? and actually friends with this raven chick? cuz its ok if u arent you dont always have to have a strong front ok?

Clarke: i know bell, and i mean yeah it sucks that finn didnt tell me but there isnt rly anything i can do about it so...also yes raven is actually super nice and we're getting along great

Bellamy: ok good, i cant have a sad princess ;)

Clarke: 🙄😊

Octavia: hey clarkie do you want to come over to my house for a movie marathon and we can just eat crap and u can sleepover? (jas dont get bad at me for ruining the bellarke moment plz)

Clarke: sure! be over there in 10

A/N Thanks for checking out my story!! If you have any ideas feel free to commek

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