
You were at the shop finishing off a tea. Saw it was just after 4 o'clock. "Mum, I'm just about the finish, is it alright if I get ready here?"

"Yes, darling it's fine. I want to meet this Lawless of yours."

You package the tea and went upstairs to get ready. By the time you finished getting ready it was 4:45 pm, as you walked downstairs you saw Lawless was already there. He stops talking to your Mum, looks up to you.

His jaw hit the ground. "My don't you look divine my sweet (Y/N)." You couldn't help but giggle. Never have you ever been given so many compliments by a guy before.

"Yes, she does look beautiful. Even if she is greedy." Your Mum was smirking.

"Mum please don't." You threw your Mum a look of disapproval.

"Greedy?" Lawless asked.

"It's nothing really, just a nickname that's all." You tried to wave it off.

You kissed your Mum goodbye, walk out of the shop. As you walk out you saw a limo waiting for you. "We're not going in a limo are we?"

"Why yes we are, you don't want too?" Lawless opens the door for you.

"Yes, it's just I've never been in one before that's all." As you slide in you saw a whale driving?

Lawless sat beside you and saw your confusion. "That's Gill, my driver, don't worry he can see where he's going."

"Okay." You were still a little unsure. Honestly, how can someone drive with a costume on?

You ended getting to the hall without crashing. As Lawless step out he took your hand. You had first row seats for the performance. You were amazed at how beautifully he played, and how everyone has swept away. Everyone was reduced to tears, even you. Tried not to cry, as you didn't want to smudge your makeup.

Everyone left the hall and it was just the three of you there. Lawless walked you on to the stage. "Licht you play so beautifully, it was amazing."

"That's because I'm an angel." You watch as he strikes a pose. You were a little taken back. But at least he wasn't being mean to Lawless. You had spoken too soon. As Licht had kicked him across the stage, into a wall.

"Oh, Angel-chan why are you so mean?" Licht didn't answer as he walked off stage.

You didn't know what to do, as you look between the two. Crantz came out on stage. "Licht where are you going?" As he called out.

"Back to the hotel!"

"You're not coming out for dinner?" He stops in his tracks.

"I thought so. (Y/N) will you be joining us?"

Before you could even answer Lawless was by your side. "Of course she is, won't you my beloved."

"Mum and Dad aren't excepting me home any time soon."

"Excellent, have you been to The Imperial Rose before?"

"Yes, I've been a few times before."

"Good shall we go." Crantz made his way to the doors.

"My Love?" Lawless held out his arm for you. You happily linked arms with walked out of the hall.

As you got to the lobby you saw a flustered Crantz and piss of Licht. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"Ummm well..." Crantz looked quite embarrassed.

"Crantz forgot to book, and the place is booked out."

"What you forgot?!" Lawless exclaimed.

"Tonight is there one year anniversary, you had to prebook table months in advance. I'll see what I can do."

"What do you mean?" Lawless look at you puzzled.

You took your phone out of the clutch purse and dial the number. Took a while for someone to pick up the phone, you imagined they were very busy. Finally, someone picks up the phone.

"Hello, The Imperial Rose Karen speaking how can I help you?"

"Hello Karen, it's me Greedy. How are you?"

"Oh Greedy hello, alright ran off my feet. Tonight being the big night and all."

"Yes one year anniversary, I could imagine how busy it is. I was wondering if Slothy was around?" Lawless looks at you questioningly, you knew you would probably have to explain yourself after the phone call.

"I think so I'll just get him for you."

"Thank you, Karen."

A few seconds later you heard your friend pick up the phone. "What do you want Greed?"

"How rude! Maybe I should increase your debt!"

"No, don't please! I owe you enough money as it is! What would you like?" He quickly changed his tone.

"That's better, now I was wondering if you had a table for four tonight? And cause I'm feeling charitable I'll take some money off the debt you owe me. Say $200 sound good."

"Look Greed we're fully booked out tonight. I can't get you in."

"Not even for your number one performer?" Lawless raise an eyebrow, you'll definitely have to explain now.

"Uhh look I see what I can do."

"I hope so, otherwise your debt going to incase by $250 ~"

"WHAT?! How?"

"My charitable is fading quick Sloth ~."

"Alright make your way here, I'll get a table for you. You said four right?"

"That is correct a table for four." You got a grunt and he hung up.

"How rude he hung up me." You pouted put your phone away.

"What was that all about?" As Lawless asked.

"Greedy, Slothy?" Licht stared you down.

You rub the back of your neck. "Ahaha, it's kinda a long story. How about I tell you along the way? He said he'll find us a table before we got there."

"And if he doesn't?" Crantz asked.

"Oh, he will if he doesn't want his debt to increase."

"Isn't that blackmail?" Licht continued to stare you down.

"Nooo, I like to think of it as motivation. He's pretty lazy, hence why he has a large debt." You made your way out of the lobby. With Licht and Crantz following behind you. Leaving Lawless behind.

'She calls herself Greed?' A devilish smirk appeared on his lips. He left the lobby to catch up to you.

Servamp & Witch - The One And Only Lawless/Hyde x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now