Just Be Careful 🤨

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Again no Hyde today it was just Mahiru, Kuro and I sitting under the tree. Gave Kuro some of my lunch, which he happily took.

I thought I might ask him about Lawless. "Hey, Mahiru?"

"Yeah (Y/N)?"

"Do you know a guy called Lawless?" Both of them stop eating, staring at me.

"Yes, I know him. He's friends with Licht. But how do you know him?"

"When Mr Rosen came to get Hyde, he said a friend needed a pick me up tea. Like the one, I made for Lily. I said for him to stop by tomorrow. It was Lawless, he said that Lily was his brother."

"That is right they are brothers. Did he say why he needed the tea?"

"Not really, he said he has the same thing as Lily. But they both got it differently. I said the tea probably won't help, he was persistent I made it for him. And..."

"And what? Did he hurt you?"

"No, he did the exact opposite. Jayden came to the shop."

"Jayden! I thought he was in jail?!"

"Apparently he got out early because of good behaviour. Anyway, Jayden had me block against the wall. Lawless came out and save me. He threatened Jayden said if he came near he'll hurt him. Jayden ran out of the shop."

"Let's hope he doesn't." Mahiru and Kuro went back to eating.

"Also... We're dating, but it's a trial!" Mahiru chokes on his sandwich. I quickly started patting his back.

"I don't think I heard you right. You're dating him?!" He raises his voice higher than normal.

I played with a strand of my hair. "Y-yeah, I said first tea can be a trial. Then he said does it extend to me being his girlfriend."

"Can't believe you're his girlfriend." He shook his head.

"I shouldn't be?"

"No, it's not that..." He looks to Kuro as if he was asking him something.

"Than what is it Mahiru?" I started to worry, maybe this wasn't a good idea. I don't even know the guy. I was excited to have a boyfriend.

"(Y/N) if he ever does anything to you, please let me know." I guess I'll have to take things slow for now.

"I will, you'll be the first to know. I promise." I held out my pinky, I still believe in pinky promise.

"Good, just know I'll always be here for you."

"Same goes for you." I smile at him.


"Another school week is done, and another week closer to finishing school." I walk out of the gates made my way to the shop.

"Mum, Vamp I'm here," I called setting my bag down behind the counter.

The white fluff ball walks out, rubs himself against my leg. "Hello my Little
Vampiric Kitty." I picked him up cradle him like a baby.

"Mum?" I called she's didn't reply.

"In the room sweetheart." I open the door, there's Mum working away.

"Do you want to sign changed?" I saw she wasn't working on tea relate matters.

"Yes please." I change the sign to close and locked the door.

"What are you working on?" I sat on the stool across from her.

"A Ring of Protection for you."

"Oh, I guess you heard that Jayden out."

"Yes, and you need protection!"

"Yeah about that... While you were out doing deliveries, well he was here..." I run the back of my neck.

"What do you mean he was here?!"

"Remember how I had that appointment?"

"It was him! Wait till I see that Rosen, I'll cruse the bastard for bringing that monster here!!"

"Mum it's not that, Mr Rosen sent Licht's friend Lawless. Jayden had me block against the wall. And Lawless came out and save me. And well threatened him if he came near me he would hurt me. Jayden ran out of the shop and I haven't seen him since."

"Oh okay then, well I'll have to thank him for protecting you than. Still, it doesn't matter you're still wearing the ring."

"Haha, don't worry Mum I'll still wear it. Also..." Should I tell her or not?


"Well, we're sorta on trial we are..."

"What do you mean on trial? You and this boy?"

"Y-Yeah well trial being boyfriend and girlfriend. Before you say anything his Lily's younger brother and Mahiru knows him."

Mum just stares at me, like I told her I was pregnant. "M-Mum?"

"My opinion about man change." She turns away putting everything away. Great I've disappointed Mum. I walk back into the store sit at the register.

A few minutes later Mum walks out, "why did you agree to the trail?"

"Umm well, he wanted to be my boyfriend. He was polite, sweet and after what he did. Thought a trial wouldn't hurt, he was pretty damn cute."

"Hmmm please be careful (Y/N), you don't know the man. Even if his Lily's brother and Mahiru knows him, you have to be careful."

"I know Mum, if everything going well I'll introduce you to him."

"Very well, I want you to tell me when you're going to see him understand?"

"I understand Mum. Same rules apply to me as they did to Lucas and Sierra."

"That's my girl." She left smiling, thank gawd.

I guess I'll start cleaning the shop than and do the register.

Servamp & Witch - The One And Only Lawless/Hyde x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now