Erase... ☠️

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The lightning springs out of your wands. Heading towards Sarin, she flicks her hand. A shield covers the lightning redirected back at yous. "Is that all you got? I excepted more from a witch of Greed."

"Get out of here now!" All-Mother shouts out, as pit fiends try to pin her.

"Trixie go help All-Mother! I'll take care of Sarin!" 'I hope...'

Trixie nods and goes to help, dodging fiends as she runs past.

"Witch of Greed, tell me do you have everything you ever wanted? Haha, of course not. You're greedy, you'll never have enough. Tell me, do you know who your predecessor was?"

"No, I do not care. GREED'S HAND!" A large shrinking gold hand appears goes to grab her.

Sarin flicks her hand "Shield. Little Greed you have to do better than that. It was me, I was the Witch of Greed! Blade of Disaster!" Two swords appear on either side of her. "Get her!"

The swords come flying toward you, "Shield!" The swords pierce through your shield. Cutting your arm and side. "Ahh!" You hold your side.

"Hahaha, you're nothing. You don't deserve to be the Witch of Greed."

"The Witches of Greed are all different. I would never take the All-Mother on! SUNBEAM!" A beam of light flashes out of your wand towards her.

"Uhh... Counterspell. Are you going to do advance spells or not? This is getting boring... Tsunami!"

A wall of water hurds towards you, "WALL OF ICE!" The water turns to ice.

"Not bad, lets see what else you have."

Lawless and the others make it to the castle. As they make it to the entrance All-Father put the last of the pit fiend down.

"ALL-FATHER!" Charity calls out.

"What are you doing here?"

Lawless runs up to him. "Where's (Y/N)?"

"She went with Trixie to help All-Mother. My guess is they're in the throne room." Lawless runs off towards the throne room. "What do you think you're doing? You can't do anything!"

"I don't care!"

Licht, Mahiru run after him, "Kuro come on!" Mahiru calls out to him.

"Uhh..." Kuro runs after them.

"Charity, stay with them. I'll get the others."

"Don't worry I'll make sure they stay alive." She take off after the others.

You fall to the floor, holding your stomach. Coughing up blood, "fuck..."

"Hahaha, look at you can't even stand. This is the end for you Little Greed." She pointed her wand at you, you stare back at her.

"Lightning Bolt!"

You closed your eyes, waiting for the pain.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Lawless, last-second he scoops you up. Just missing the lightning bolt. "(Y/N) are you okay?" He looks down at you, covered in blood.

You cough up blood, "all good. What are you doing here?"

"Good? You call this good? You're covered in blood!"

"I'll be fine, how did you get here?"

"Mahiru, I need to get you get (Y/N) out of here!"

"Hahaha, there's no use running Servamp." You wiggle out of his arms, stood in front of him. "Oh, I see now. Your greed, haha. This is too funny, haha."

"Holy Weapon!" A shimmering white, gold sword appears. Starts slashing at Sarin. "Don't worry, I got this!" Charity made her way to Sarin. Licht runs after her to help her.

Mahiru and Kuro come over, "we need to get you out of here?" Mahiru joins your side.

Lawless holds you up, "he's right we need to get you out of here."

"No, I'm not leaving. Give me a second to heal. Mass Cure Wounds!" You try to cast a spell on yourself it didn't work. You had hardly any magic left. You try again, "Cure Wounds!" You were able to slow the bleeding but it wasn't much.

"We need to get you out of here!" Lawless was getting worried. He didn't want to lose you. Seeing you like this was killing him.

"GREED!" Sloth rushes to your side. "What happens?"

"Sarin," you gesture over to her.

"That bitch!" He runs into the fight.

"SLOTH!" Diligence runs after him.

Kindness runs over to you, "sit her down. I'll heal her."

Lawless and Mahiru sit you down, Lawless hold you.

"Mass Cure Wounds!" A warmth washed over you, as some of your wounds start to heal. "You stay there, alright? Let us handle Sarin. All-Father will be here soon."

"Be careful," you adjust yourself a bit to try and lessen the pain.

"I will stay out of sight."

"Is he crazy?!" Lawless holds you.

"It's not like you can take on fiends and pit fiends on. As long as we stay out of sight we should be fine."

"I'm moving you," he picks you up, crouches behind a turned table. He peeks over the table, sees a safer spot.

Fiends come your way, "Kuro!"

"On it."

"Lawless we got this, look after (Y/N)." The two try to fend off the fiends.

Lawless gets up and runs, Sarin spots you she smiles, "Sunburst!" Rays of the sun race towards.

You jump out of his arm, shielding him. "COUNTER!" The spells fizzle out. "POWER WORD KILL! I'm sorry Lawless, I love you. ERASE!" You cough up blood and stager backwards, Lawless catches you.


Sarin laughs, "you think you can pull off a level -" She looks at her hand at it breaks off in particulars. "No! No! How can you do this? You're almost dead! You should -" Her body starts to break down. "NO! NO! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!" She fades away.

Lawless hold you in his arms, your breathing becoming ragged. "(Y/N), you have to stay with me."

Your eyes started to get heavy. "I'm sorry Lawless, but I couldn't lose you..." You started to fade away.

His eyes widen, "no, no you can't leave me!"

You reach up to him, kiss him. "You are my one and only greed. I love you, Lawless!" You faded away in his arms.

Servamp & Witch - The One And Only Lawless/Hyde x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now