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( ⚠️ self harm ⚠️ )

Still Simon's POV

I woke up sweaty and out of breath, I looked to my side to see a shirtless guy.

I screamed and fell of... a bed?

"Calm down! I wasn't planning on raping you, while you had an nightmare!" He said annoyedly.

"Yeah, sorry.."

I stood up and walked to a mirror, to see if my foreheads fucked up, after he threw that, hard thing on me.

Yep, it's pretty bad.. my forehead is bleeding.

How great!

I sighed and decided to take a shower, because Jesus Christ I stink!

"H-hey .. I-I was wondering I-if I-I could borrow the s-shower.." I still can't talk normally without stuttering like crazy!

For fucks sake!

"Yeah, towels are in the small cabinet in the bathroom. AND DON'T close the door"

a smirk creepily grew on his face, making my whole body shake.

What the fuck is wrong with him.. he's a full on psychopath!

I went to the bathroom and decided to lock the door.. even if it means me getting abused pretty badly ...

I undressed myself, and hopped in the shower, I turned on the water and waited patiently till it got hot.

Once it got hot, I got my whole body under the water.

Tears streaming down my cheeks, I really don't wanna be here anymore!

I don't know what the point is in life, if I'm gonna be here...getting abused and raped every single day!

Once I got done with showering and crying my eyes out.

I got a clean towel from the cabinet, and wrapped it around my waist.

I walked to the mirror and noticed something shiny, shining towards me.

It was a sharpe blade... I decided to pick it up and put it on my naked arm.

I took a deep breath and started cutting... I let out small whimpers of the pain but.. the blood running down my arm just felt.. right.

While I was cutting my arm for about 5 minutes, I heard someone knocking on the door, and yelling for me to hurry up.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and looked at the mess I have created.

Fuck, he's gonna kill me!

I cleaned up the blade and decided to hide it under the clean towels.

As for my arm, and the blood on the floor.. I had no idea what to do with it..

"IM COMING!" I yelled, not wanting him to break down the door.

Then it hit me!

The clean towels!!

I took out one of the clean towels, and started cleaning up the blood on the floor.

I saw a bucket with clothes in, guessing that's where he puts his dirty clothes in.

So I got out the dirty clothes, put in the bloody towel at the bottom of the bucket, and put the dirty clothes on top of the towel.

So now it's covering the towel, looking normal!

I put on my dirty clothes, because that's all I have for now, and walked out.

"Finally! What was taking you so long!" He asked suspiciously.

"Nothing! Don't worry about it" I flashed him a fake smile, feeling my heart sting from it.

"Aren't those clothes dirty?" He asked as if he cared.

"Yeah, that's sadly all I have.. I didn't get to pack clothes with me, when I came here." I shrugged while giving him a slight of attitude.

"Excuse me, watch your attitude!" He growled angrily.

"Sorry!" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you can borrow my clothes, I don't want you stinking my whole room up!"

"Wow thank you so much!" I said sarcastically and walked into his... walk in closet.

Wow! I was actually amazed, this walk in closet is beautiful!

I went through his clothes and got out a hoodie, with SDMN written on it.


I took of my clothes I had on, and put on the hoodie.

It was a bit short for me, so I got some sweatpants and put them on.

I guess this is alright for now..

I walked out, and sat on the floor, making myself comfortable.

I've been so tired these past days, but I can't fall asleep, even if I try my best to block all of my thoughts.

It's impossible!

"You should really sleep and get your face fixed mate." I heard him comment.

"I can't fall asleep though.." I replied back.

"Get that fixed then!"

Fucking asshole, it isn't as easy as he thinks it is!

"I'II try!" I sighed and laid down.

And without knowing it, tears were once again streaming down my cheeks.

Surprisingly making me fall asleep!

Dangerous love ~ KsimonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt