Chapter 47: Advice

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Kakashi sat on the floor as Minato was looking down at him. The rookies, minus Hinata, Neji, and Lee, had no idea what to do as Sakura was healing Kiba's throat and the Fourth Hokage was alive and pissed as hell. Minato was glaring at him as he took a deep breath and said: "Hatake?"

"Y-yes?" Kakashi replied

"Do you know the first lesson I taught you?"

"Y-yes, s-sir,"

"Well then, tell me... why did you disregard those words?" Minato asked as Kakashi started to shake again

"I-I tho-"

"That's it! You thought!" Minato shouted, making Kakashi flinch. Minato stood up from his chair as he hit the desk again "You followed the rules, Kakashi, I get that. But blindly believing something and not asking questions? When the evidence could've been faked? I HAVE HALF-A-MIND TO MAKE YOU ENDURE THE SAME TORTURE MY SON DID!" Minato screamed at the top of his lungs as each word he spoke, caused Kakashi to flinch and recoil. While this was going on, Doyal was watching with an indifferent look. Doyal stood over a gasping Kiba as Sakura had finally healed him "W-what the fuck?!" Kiba shouted as he rubbed his throat

"Don't move around too much, you still lost a lot of blood," Sakura said as she pointed at the blood-stained floor

"H-how.... How did you do that?" Kiba asked as Doyal scoffed

"It's one of the many things I taught Naruto... a Ninja's greatest tool, surprise. Right?" Doyal replied as Kiba nodded

"Yeah, but that doesn't answer my question," Kiba said. Doyal shook his head as he heard the door open. Everyone looked to see who it was as Hinata, Neji, and Lee were walking through the door... with Lee's head clean-shaven "I look like an idiot," Lee whispered as Doyal's eyes widened

"D-Doppo?" Doyal whispered as Lee looked at him

"Who might you be?" Lee asked as Doyal shook his head

"No, impossible... it's been many years since they were all alive," Doyal said to himself as he saw the hand-marks around Hinata's neck. Doyal sighed as Minato coughed "Nice of the Hyuga Clan to join us," Minato said as Hinata and Neji shivered

"L-Lord Fourth?" Neji asked

"Stand with the others," Minato ordered as they didn't question him and stood with the rest of the rookies, "now where was I... oh yeah, your punishment,"

"P-please, L-Lord Fourth, I-I-" Kakashi begged before he was hit in the face by Minato

"I don't want your excuses, I want justice. For your punishment, you'll be demoted to Gennin. Not only that, any and all the money you earn will be cut to 20%," Minato said as Kakashi's face went white

"P-please, Lord Hokage! I-I can't live without a stable income!"

"SILENCE!" Minato shouted as the whole room echoed. A red glow seemed to emit from his body as his nails seemed to grow and his teeth became sharper "I sacrificed everything for this village. My passion. My life. MY SON! And you have the thought to spit on everything I've done by harming my son, NARUTO!" Minato said in a slightly deeper voice, causing everyone to look at him with horror

"W-What's going on?" Tenten asked

"I'll tell you what's going on... you all will be facing your punishment... IN TIRAL BY COMBAT!" Minato said as he broke the desk in two, "You all will face Kushina in an 11 vs. 1 fight... I'd say you got about fair odds all things considering,"

"Finally, I was wondering if I'd ever get the chance to beat them," Kushina said as she cracked her neck

"W-what?! B-but we can't fight her!" Ino said

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