Chapter 33: A Problem

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"So.. you've found me?" Nagato asked as Naruto entered the hideout.

A large hole was behind Naruto as he walked in. Throwing the black rod just passed Nagato's head, Naruto managed to nick Nagato's ear; causing a trickle of blood to go down the side of Nagato's head "You've caused me some trouble, man. First I cry to a 6-year-old, then my breakfast is ruined! What a fucking week!" Naruto said as he stood a few feet in front of Nagato

"Do you hate me?" Nagato asked

"The fuck kind of question is that?"

"Do. You. Hate. Me." Nagato asked again as Naruto sighed

"You want the truth?"

"Please," Nagato replied as Naruto closed his eyes. Minutes of silence passed as Naruto took a deep breath and said: "I don't,"

"Excuse me?" Nagato asked

"What part of 'I don't', don't you get?"

"I... don't understand. I attacked your village. Killed hundreds of people. Why do you not hate me?" Nagato asked as Naruto's shoulders started to move. His head was down as his hair covered his face. Nagato thought he might've hit a nerve when Naruto raised his face to see him laughing.

"BWAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! T-That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! HAHAHA! My village? My people? If anything, they were my enemies! You did my fucking job for me! And for that

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"BWAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! T-That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! HAHAHA! My village? My people? If anything, they were my enemies! You did my fucking job for me! And for that... I plan on giving you a warrior's death," Naruto said as Nagato looked at him

"W-what? B-but why? You're the Warden of the Kyubi! Aren't you supposed to be their pup-GAH!" Nagato started to say just as Naruto managed to get his hand around Nagato's throat

"You're wrong... oh so very, very wrong. Tell me, do you know why I haven't been in the village for the past 8 years?"


"Half-truth with that... but no. I've been in prison. I've seen both heaven and hell! I lost everything! More than you can ever imagine! The ones that I cared for betrayed me! I was tossed aside like a used rag!" Naruto shouted as he started to bring Nagato into the air with the thing attached to his body with it, "You know, after making such an assumption like that... I should deny your warriors death and put you down like the wounded animal you are,"

"B-but my p-plan for peac-"

"Peace? PEACE?! That's the stupidest thing I've heard! There is no such thing as peace! Only stalemates between enemies! COLD WARS! Ceasefires! Peace is a lie no matter how you look at it! There's always someone who hates your views no matter what you do! Through peace rallies to military marches! Silent protests to full out riots! As long as there are 2 people left on this earth, they'll hate each other by the end of the day!" Naruto said as Nagato looked at him

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