Chapter | 5

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KURAMA had tightened his grip a little too late.

The eased smile aimed towards him charred foreboding suspicions that rung warning bells into the forefront of his brain, coupled with that air of absolute innocence draped over keen eyes was what sealed his penchant to remain overly cautious. Wary.

His eyes dimmed, thick lashes slanting just enough to intimidate. A subtlety unlike any other, and yet, this woman saw the change coming and slipped her hand free from his grip like melted butter before he could even tighten his hold—a hold not meant to crush, merely to corner.

Surprisingly, she didn't seem to be afraid. Far from the picture of roiling nerves even when his eyes darkened further and his smile became an effortless front.

No, this woman remained cool and composed even as her façade dropped, the ditzy curl on her lips easing into a neutral line and owlish eyes settled—akin to the water of a river uncharacteristically stilling.

Despite the suspicion twisting his gut, Kurama found himself begrudgingly approving this stranger's steady resolve to stand before him without neither cowering or spouting arrogant promises. Instead, she was wisely leveling herself into his play to create her own rule in the midst of the game.


"Now, tell me," Kurama took a step back. "Who are you, really? I know that you can understand me, your eyes are too intelligent not too."

Brows quirking at the odd compliment, Lan dropped her act. Face mirroring his in a flawless transition, minus the ominous glint. A blank canvas.

"Keen. I expected no less from a fox." Her casual shrug must have stunned him for a moment, if the way his glare tapered even more wasn't any indication. It unnerved her, his look. Those daunting eyes were slowly crumbling a tiny portion of her impromptu bravado, to her chagrin. Piece by piece, he sought for every crevice he could detect to unravel.

It was a look that felt far too familiar to her liking, with the way those emerald eyes clouded with a dangerous gleam yet remained utterly cautious. A calculative look; an easy assurance to keep him in the advantage. One that foxes seem to share, she mused.

But Lan would be in denial if she says the intensity was not any different.

In any case, his eyes hold a cunning strength that is superior to any other of his kind. Not that she'd crossed upon many foxes, but the air was just there. A clear warning that he is not someone to be trifled with.

Lan let her gaze flick sharply in thought.

This situation had become troublesome and certainly unneeded. Unwanted too. Accusations towards her were highly unnecessary, especially when she knew that his mind is sewing thoughts of possibilities as to what might lead her presence here, quickly followed by scenarios to eliminate her if he deemed those reasons as a threat.

Foxes tend to pull information out of anyone's tongue.

Aggravation pinched her jaw to lock. She would definitely prefer it if he would focus his gaze elsewhere. 'I just wanted to go home.'

"Relax, fox." Lan shadowed a smirk. "I have no business with you."

Her own pride gnawed at her, knowing that she could challenge this strange human-demon boy. However, the truth was the opposite. She knew that in her current state that she couldn't. Either way, she'd rather not go against a fox's astute ability.

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