Prologue | 1

730 19 3

Part One

I was hurting.

Yet, pain seems like a swift graze from my fingertips. Mocking and laughing, gazing at me with a sneer. He held a distance—an arm's reach away, enough to hover over me with its gangly, choking hands. Enough to curl his fingers all over my skin, dipping its nails into the flesh, but lax enough to enable a soothing numbness.

Pain was there as I was sprawled haphazardly on the ground. I was at his mercy as a measly lamb was: vulnerable, weak, pathetic, and laid unmoving on the moist soil. There was a steady ringing in my ears, pronounced as it pushed any other interrupting noises into the background. I believed that ringing was the voice of pain and I was listening to its endless mantra. And that the murky, bloody sky was its color.

The sky was always red. But it was duller now, not a wisp of a purple cloud. It was scarlet and raw, only without the vibrancy. Perhaps it was the hazy fog glazing my vision, but spots of black started peppering every direction. I was just lying there—waiting for the death of a demon who would never bleed.

Who could never bleed.

I was always educated about our kind—generally reserved by nature and quiet, never one to stick their nose into other's business. Sentimental, yet prided for our independence. A headstrong demon with skin as impenetrable as our horns.

And that was a curse.

I pride nothing about my horns. Nothing for my skin. Not as a lone lamb. Just a lamb. A dying one at that.

Rams run in herds. Mine is dead.

"What a wonderful world." For I haven't seen it yet.

The sky was red. But now all I see is black. Pain was there as my eyes finally fluttered closed, allowing the blood of the sky to be my last vision. Pain was there when I heard a scrunch disturb the tranquil soil, digging hard onto the ground in a steady rhythm. Pain was there when it got close, and I realized the rhythm were footsteps.

Pain was there when I felt a finger tipped my round chin to the side.

How warm.

"She's alive, but she's just a lamb. Barely able to think for herself."

"She's perfect."

Pain was a menace. Weakness was a menace. They were distracting, for fear holds you down. Prevents you. Stops you.

Feeling was uncalled for.

Then it was taken away.

Among all other emotions.

A pawn feels no conscience. A soldier feels no pain from the tips of their fingers to the soles of their feet. A warrior shows no weakness, feels no weakness, has no weakness.

A weapon has nothing. It is but an object to wield, to defend, to protect.

To destroy.

I was a weapon.

Among other demons.

My name is Lan, and I am amongst the Six Ring Demons of Ji Dianji.


Chapter soundtrack: "It's A Wonderful World" by HAMO & Hatsune Miku

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