Subject: I smile again because you're there

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I pause and take a deep breath, this time I can't look at her face.

"I always think that I know you best, Unnie. I know everything about you, they always told me that you and I are close, you're only open up to me, you laugh better when I am around, I feel that too, I feel that we're close. But, I didn't know that you develop something in your mind, in your head. We're always together, and I didn't know. I feel that I am the worst, not knowing that the person whom I am close to has this kind of feeling, I.............."

A single tear comes to my face.

"I was so worried about you, so so worried. I should listen to you more, I should let you talk, not the other way around, I think I am always full of myself and always blabbering things about me in front of you, I should've listened more to you"

Mina Unnie then closes the gap with hugging me. She put her hand in my head, making me closer to her.


"That's why I wrote that letters, I really want to talk to you again like we used to, I really hope we could talk again like in the past, like a year ago when we weren't so busy with our life. I just wanna tell you everything about my day, because that makes me alive"

I am crying in her embrace. She's crying as well. 

I feel really bad right now, I should've not made her crying. 

"Thank you for everything, Chaeyoung-ah" her voice is so soft but I hear it perfectly.

"Thank you for telling me that, thank you for your letters, it means a lot me"

Mina Unnie then releases her hug, she put my hand around my arms, making me look at her, no other option. I look at her. 

"This isn't your fault, at all. It's all in my head. Trust me, I don't know how why, when, I really don't know cause it's all in my head. I want to talk, because of course I know I can talk to you, but no words came from my mouth, I kept hoarding and hoarding over and over in my head until it explodes. It isn't your fault at all, Chaeyoung-ah. I know that you'll always here for me, I know"

"I only want you to be happy, Mina Unnie, that's all. I don't want you to............." Can't even finished my sentence.

"Look at me, Son Chaeyoung. I am happy now, thanks to you" She looks at me.

"You make me happy" Mina Unnie continues. 

Mina Unnie then grabs my hand and hold it.

"So please, please don't you ever feel guilty about this. I beg you. I need your strength, Chaeyoungie"

I look at her and nods.

Indeed, she's right. I need to be strong in order to make her strong than ever.

I wipe all my tears, turn my head to the back and then looking back at her again. I put a smile on my face again. I will only let my self breaking down now, I won't do it again.

"Thank you, Chaeyoung-ah, really"

I nod at her while holding her hand. 

"Now please tell me, how did you get those letters, you already deleted that email last time I check"

"I thought that I don't have that email again Chaeyoung-ah. Well, I don't remember deleted the account tho. But when I open my computer in my house, the default tab showed me that email page, and I was surprised to actually see there's a new message from you" Mina Unnie explained.

"Oh this is so embarrassing" I cover my face with my hand and walk back

"Yaaaaa, don't be" Mina Unnie then chase me.

Letters to Mina - Michaeng Short Story (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora