Subject: My kind of Sunday

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"Please have a seat," I asked them to sit in the dining table.

I put the down the dish and the milk as well. I also take a sit beside Mina Unnie.

"Thanks for the food, Chaeyoungie" Mina Unnie's mom said it to me.

"Don''t mention it, Mrs. Myoi, I really love to cook"

Mina Unnie just look at me and said thanks in her inaudible voice.

I nod.

I am so happy that Mina Unnie's mom likes my food. I explain that I made the jam by myself and she surprised.

After we eat, we're now ready to go. Mrs. Myoi brings Mina Unnie's medical records from the other hospital in Japan.

We go to the parking lot, finally, I could take someone to drive with this thing after my family.

I am cooly open my car with the remote. Making a beep sound.

Mina Unnie was in awe when I do that and look at me. She knows it well how I really love to brag about my new driving license.

I drove to Sinchon. JYPE appointed the best psychiatrist in South Korea for Mina Unnie. He's a professor in Yonsei and has his own practice at his home, near the campus area. But it was in the quiet area the managers said, so it will be safe for Mina Unnie.

It's a private practice. A little bit secluded and perfect for her, I guess.

I wait in the waiting room with Mina Unnie's mom. I could see that Mina's mom is a little bit worried about her kid. Of course, who wouldn't, it's her one and only daughter, my mom would act the same.

There's a bunch of magazines in the waiting room, I bought coffees from the vending machine for Mrs. Myoi as well. That's it, Mina Unnie is in her theraphy session and we wait outside.

Later did I know that I was sleeping in the waiting room, but I woke up just in time. It's almost 12 pm, and the door is open. Mina Unnie gets out with her doctor.

Her mother immediately comes for them, I wait in my chair.

The doctor said something while smiling to her mother, Mina Unnie nods in the conversation. I guess everything went well. Mina Unnie then looking at my direction. She smiles at me.

After that Mina Unnie's mom saying thanks to the doctor then we move, taking the door and head to the parking lot.

My job here is to drive them, I don't want to pester with questions, I know that Mina Unnie is doing great, she's trying hard. My job here is to entertain them, to make them feel more at ease.

"Mina Unnie, Mrs. Myoi, are you guys hungry?" I asked before I drive

"Yeah we should find a place for lunch, Chaeyoung-ah" Mrs. Myoi answered me.

"Okay, I know a perfect place. I would drive you there"

"Okay," Both just trusted me with my choice.

I drive to a familiar place, oh I drove to this place like a lot, I know my way. Mina Unnie and Mrs. Myoi probably confuse since we are entering a residential area just now.

Yap this is my neighborhood, I lived here since I was born.

We're going to my house for lunch.

"Chaeyoung-ah, isn't it your neighborhood?"

Chaeyoung nods.

"We're having lunch at my house, my mom already cooked for us"

"YAAAA, it's rude to ruin your family time, Chaeyoung-ah"

Letters to Mina - Michaeng Short Story (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum