Authors note.

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So here's the thing, Copying someone else's work without Thier consent is Really horrible and not legal. If you get inspired by someone's story then It's great, You get to make your own story by that inspiration But please do say that you were inspired by this story or this author is the description of your story.

If you copy someone's work 1). They feel horrible, Even Mabye that horrible that they cried. It's not right and they feel like the story they worked hard on just got copied.
2). You could get banned or fined, Copying someone else's work could be illigle which could lead you to get banned or Fined.
3). When someone else finds out that you copied then you two might get into a fight which is bad. Don't fight for no reason.

I know this is not a chapter or the usual funny thing, This is something serious and please, I request all of you to not copy from not only mine But anyones work because they have worked hard on it and it's not fair being cheated. The least you could do if you get inspired by something of someone else's work is the give them a bit of credit for it.
The next chapter is soon so until then, Stay safe and stay hydrated

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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