♣ Leonita's Date ♣

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It was another day at the guild, Fairy Tail. Both Gray and Natsu were at it again which lead to a full out brawl with most, if not all guild members were participating.

Aside from Mirajane, Lucy as usual. Lucy was sipping on her favorite smoothie flavour: strawberry. While in a discussion with Mirajane and today's topic was her celestial spirit: Leo, Loke who was another member of Fairy Tail and was the leader of the Zodiac.

"Loke would make a great partner, wouldn't he?" Mirajane said in a sweet tone, Lucy's eyes widen before blushing in embarrassment on the topic, Loke was her spirit and friend!

"He's a playboy! He flirts with every girl he lays his eyes on!" Argued the celestial wizard. "Sure. He's a Fairy Tail's former playboy but he hasn't been flirting with every girl in sight like he used to before he became your celestial spirit, I'd say Loke had changed a lot." "Yeah, but he's still a flirt." Lucy added in a matter of fact tone.

"He's experienced." Mira added, Lucy lips curled into a frown as she wasn't wrong. 'What am I thinking?!' Lucy's thoughts fumed. 'Loke is one of the twelve gold zodiac keys! He's a spirit, you're contacted to! He probably feels like he needs to pay me back for saving him, nothing more!' Her thoughts continued.

'But that doesn't explain why he seems to only flirt with me... Oh no! He can't actually like me, can he?!' Lucy's cheeks turned a deep shade of red at the thought. Mirajane just giggled at her cute expression, then continuing to clean the spotless counter.

Right on cue, a gold light had nearly blinded Lucy. "Lucy, your prince has arrived." Said a smooth voice. Loke wore his signature shades and suit, his ring on his finger and hair nearly gelled up. "Loke?" Finding her voice after going into a small daze.

"Hey Lucy, sorry that I don't visit as often anymore. Being leader of the Zodiac prevents me from seeing your beautiful face, if I had it my way I'd stay by your side forever." Loke purred lightly, Lucy's blush had nearly faded before he said that which made it even worse!

"W-What are you doing here?" Lucy stumbled for words, what he said was embarrassing! Mirajane just grinned as she gave the pair some privacy, by going to serve drinks to other members in the guild.

"Can't a prince just see his lovely princess?" Loke asked while tilting his head to the side gently, Lucy puffed out her cheeks. "No, he can but that isn't the only reason why you opened your own gate, is it?" "My, my Leonita. Nothing slips by you, huh?" Loke grins, she did not deny that he was her prince either.

"You're right, that's not the only reason why I opened my gate. I want you to go out on a date with me, Lucy." The lion spirit said while his grin softened into a charming smile that would make any woman swoon. ",and become one of your many victims? I'd rather not." Lucy shook her head before continuing to drink her smoothie.

Loke's smile had faded and he frowned, looking at his master. "Lucy, I don't see you as any other girl. I actually want to take you out on a date because I really like you, not only because you saved me but you didn't treat me like a tool like every other wizard had, but treated me like an equal and a friend and you saved my friends and Aries. I want to treat you to a night out." Loke told her while sounding sincere.

Lucy's heart rate picked up, she glanced away for a moment before returning her gaze to him. "You're serious, huh. Well I guess one date couldn't hurt, could it?" She smiled while agreeing to go out with him.

Loke charming smile had returned, as he straighted up. "Of course, Leonita. I will be by at eight to pick you up." He said rather quickly, not giving her time to change her mind as he disappeared into the spirit world.

"Wait- Loke! Leonita?!" The blonde said cluelessly, unsure on what that could possibly mean as Loke has been calling her that lately so the mage could only wonder. "Leonita, huh?"

(Leonita = Lioness)

Her Lion || Fairy Tail (Loke x Lucy - Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now