Chapter 1 the beginning

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A/n: this is my first fanfic so bare with me please let me know how it is also !
Ddraig thinking

"Hey Irina-Chan let's play again tomorrow okay?"
"I-I'm sorry issei-kun but my family leaves for England tomorrow, I was going to tell you earlier but we started playing and I couldn't find the courage to tell you..."
"W-What?!?!? Will I ever see you again?..." said issei sadly
"I'm not sure..." replied Irina
"Well you're my best friend I'm sure I'll see you again and tell you what when we see each other again we'll still be best friends" said issei with a big smile on his face

"Issei it's time to go home dear" said a voice out in the distance
"Coming  mom!" Replied issei

As the two young kids ran towards where their parents were talking they were giggling along the way for the last time of might be a long while
" issei, irina-Chan's parents told us they're leaving tomorrow, did you say your goodbyes son ?" Asked issei's father with a grim expression unknowing how his son would handle the news
" hai otou-San I did and even when she leaves we'll always still be best friends and see each other again!" Said issei with a trademark smile

Parents of both children smile at this and start to part ways

As they're walking away Irina turns around and yells out "BYE ISSEI-KUN ILL MISS YOU!"
Issei heard this and smiled turned around, and yelled out "I'LL MISS YOU TOO IRINA DON'T WORRY WE'LL SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN SOMEDAY"

And with that the child hood friends parted ways and went home
It was getting dark as the sun was setting over the town. As issei and his parents reached their home his mother started to feel as something was off " dear something feels off..." said his mother to his father as they approached the door to their home they noticed it was open
"Stay behind me" said isseis father

From inside the house from the shadows came out a figure with long black hair,pale skin,red eyes, and long pointy ears

"Well,well,well if it isn't the infamous Azreal and her low born human husband and would you look at that you even have a filthy half blood offspring" said the mysterious figure
"K-Kokabiel WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?" Yelled out azreal
"I'm sure even you can sense that your offspring has a sacred gear I'm here to eliminate him before he poses a problem in my future plans" said Kokabiel
" we won't let you!" Said isseis father

With that Kokabiel lunged foward and blinding speeds and buried his hand into his chest
"GOROU!!!" Yelled our issei's mother as Kokabiel pulled his hand out along with gorou's heart.

Frozen in fear issei just stood there as he watched the body of his father fall on the floor dead.
"Well one down" said Kokabiel as 10 black crow like wings flew out from his back. Azreal go into a battle stance ready to fend off the cadre to save her so "ISSEI RUN!" Said his mother as 6 black crow like wings flew out from her back

Issei stood there shocked and afraid at what was happening until he heard a deep voice in his mind.
'Hatching do you wish to survive?'
As issei stood there he thought
'No not without my kaa-San'  as he though that he witnessed a spear of light go through his mother's stomach. The spear of light disappeared and left a hole in her abdomen blood cane gushing out as she fell to her knees throwing up blood she looks towards her son
"Issei you have to survive..." with that she fell over dead

" and now there's you boy" said Kokabiel
'Hatchling do you wish to survive to avenge your parents?' Said the voice in his head
'Yes please I'll do anything...' thought issei
'Even at the cost of giving up your humanity ?' Asked the voice
'Very well then but I most warn you at your age currently you'll only be able to hold the form for about 10 seconds before your body gives out which is only enough time just to run. The being before you is a cadre you can not defeat him and since we're going to be partners from the day foward my name is Ddraig the welsh dragon' said Ddraig
'Issei hyoudou' Said issei

Now little one it's time for us to get away to live to fight another day Said Ddraig
"Right" replied issei

"Well boy it's time to die" Said Kokabiel as he formed a light spear in his hand then he sensed the boys power skyrocketing


As he heard these words a flash of red light appeared and as fast as it came it was gone but so was issei
" dammit he got away I know he's going to be a thorn in my side when the time comes" with that Kokabiel used a magic circle to teleport away

Somewhere off in the distance on a rooftop deactivating the armor so it's only the gauntlet Ddraig began to speak to his new host

"Looks like we got away hatchling" said Ddraig
"Kaa-San, otou-San..... they're both dead..." cried issei
"I know hatchling I'm truly sorry for your loss. Now we need to train, for now the fallen angel know as Kokabiel is aware the red dragon emperor has awakened we need to get strong to avenge your parents" said Ddraig

But still to awaken me at only 6 years old is incredible with the right training he might be the strongest red dragon emperor the world will ever know Ddraig thought to himself

"Ddraig... what was he ?" Asked issei
"You see hatchling in this world angels,fallen angels , and devils exist not only them but other mythologies as well" replied Ddraig he continued to explain to the young boy about the supernatural from the Great War until now issei wanting to know more absorbed all the information like a sponge

" but kaa-San has wings too..." said issei
"Yes your mother was a strong fallen angel named Azreal from what I can see she put a seal on your wings probably to keep you away from the supernatural world and have you live a normal life you were half human after all" replied Ddraig
"So I'm also a fallen angel ?" Asked issei
"Well half since you gave up your humanity to escape you became half dragon making you a fallen/dragon hybrid" explained Ddraig

" well it's been a while since I sensed your power Ddraig it seems you're awake now" Said a mysterious voice
Issei turned around to see a girl with an appearance of about his age wearing a gothic Lolita dress

"I-impossible".... "ophis"

Bang that's it for the chap let me know what you think still debating on a harem or single pairing for single pairing I'm think maybe Serafall Leviathan since she doesn't really have many fanfics of her or ravel let me know what you think !

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