Chapter 2.2

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~Midorima's P.O.V.~

Finally the real basketball practice.

I am not too obsessed with basketball. I just like it really much, I've been playing since I was 8 or something and I hate losing. Especially against one of the Generation Of Miracles or an Uncrowned King.

It's really stupid that the water has been turned off at our building. Now I'll have to go home sweaty.

"Hey Takao, let's try infinite pass again."

"I can't do it Mido! I've been working really hard on it but it just doesn't work with me." He says annoyed.

"Then help me jump higher while shooting. I need to last longer than Kagima."

"Okay okay, but let me go to the bathroom first. It may take a while, since I have to go to the other building. So start working with someone else already."

Ah no one showed up. I guess we didn't have practice today. I'll just do some basic things with Takao. I know he had to go to the other building but it can't take that long. I'll just go find him then, see if he isn't in trouble. I know we're a well-know school but many students are really fucked up with all the things they do to themselves and other people.

I need to pass the lockers before going to the bathroom. 

'Huh? is that Takao? That isn't his locker...'

"Hey Takao, what're you doing? That isn't your locker?" He looks up like a terrified deer. Is that idiot trying to be romantic by placing a letter in his crush' locker again?

"Are you placing a love-letter in someone's locker again?" Yes it happened before, he's so weird sometimes. 

"Euhm no-, Yes! That's what I'm doing, hehehe." He stutters and is holding a bag. Takao is really a bad liar.

"What's in the bag?" I ask him.

"Nothing, really just some things." He's way to nervous to be holding a bag of stupid things.

" Are you doing drugs agai-" I stop when I see some blood on his sleeve.

"What happened?" I ask when I go closer. Then I notice it, this is Jake's locker.

'Oh no he didn't.' I take the bag from Takao and see what I hoped I wouldn't see; band aids.

"Where is he?" I don't need to tell him more, he knows that I know.

"Who do yo-, fuck you know so, he's in the bathroom." I start making my way to the bathroom.

Takao is really not himself right now. He must really be shocked.

"If I didn't find hi-him, he would've..." He couldn't even finish his own sentence.

I entered the room with Takao, Jake is laying on the ground against the wall and just begins yelling at Takao. He really shouldn't blame Takao. Takao saved him, he is the one that messed up again.

"You little shit, Takao! You-" 

I cut him off, "No you did this to yourself. He is not at fault, he just had bad timing and ran into me.

You know I can't keep doing this. You need to stop yourself from doing this. I can't be there every minute of your life!" I know it's really bad what I'm saying, but he just doesn't understand that he isn't the only one hurt when he does this. It's hurts the ones who care about him even more.

"Oh well I'm sorry for feeling like shit everyday and be able to do something about it. This is my only way out and you know it!" he yells back.

And that is where he is so wrong and hurt the ones who love him even more. Instead of going to someone and talking about or just going to a person and tell them how you feel, instead of just coming to me for a hug, instead of crying on my chest, instead of doing something he won't regret he takes the easy way, he doesn't think and takes the easiest solution. Whichhurts everyone.

I can only stare at him before I realize, the wounds need to be taken care of. I take the bag with band aids, make one wet, go on my knees and start cleaning his bloody wrist. The smell is horrible.

"I can do that myself!" obviously he can't, but if this is the way he wants to do it fine.

"If you don't even want my help, then why am I even here?" I question myself.

I've done it so many times, taking care of his woods when he lost control, but now he thinks he doesn't need my help. I'm getting tired of him always doing this.

'I'll just leave.' I get up and I'm almost outside when I faintly hear him whisper,

"If only you didn't have that much practices this wouldn't have happened."

How dare he. This is not my fault.

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