Tyson Andrew Harrison

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At 7am weigh in 8lbs ,5oz. 21inches long, Tyson Andrew Harrison was born, fuzzy jet black hair covered his head, and blue eyes blinked as he looked at me.

"He looks just like Dominic" Sebastian said 

"I can't do this" I cried handing the baby gently to Seb 

"Do what?" He asked softly 

"Look at that beautiful baby and be reminded of Dom" I sniffled 

Seb gently cradled the baby while calling George and Matty 

*George POV*

Sebastian called us and told us it was urgent we come see Gray, my heart unmediated began beating rapidly at the thought that something was wrong with my baby sister.

We got to her room and she was sobbing and a worried Seb stood by holding onto a tiny bundle of green.

Matty immediately did his best to calm her down 

"Poppet what's wrong?" He cooed at her 

She gasped slightly for breath

"I I can't raise Tyson, I just can't, he deserves a whole family" she cried 

"But he has one, he has you, and me, and matty and Sebastian" I said rubbing her back 

"And Remington and bear" matty added 

"He's got all he needs Gracie" Sebastian said smiling at the tiny baby before handing him back.

"But he reminds me so much of Dominic" she sniffled 

"Dom left you a piece of him to love and remember forever" matty said 

"You can't give that baby too someone whos not gonna know that wild within" I chuckled 

Gracie smiled and kissed Tysons forehead. 

The doctor walked in and everyone but Matty left.

*Grays pov*

The Dr said Tyson was perfect and the birth had 0 complications. I could go home in a couple days. But I didn't want to, going home meant a funeral to say goodbye to Dominic, meant forgetting the last words we spoke.  

But I did miss my bed, and the peace and quiet without being bugged every 20 mins.

Matty took Tyson so I could shower, and before I got in I heard matty talking to Tyson.

"Ill be your daddy little Ty, ill show you how to tame your wild, and uncle George will teach you the drums, uncle Sebastian the bass, drive your mom right mad little dude..  But well be here, always".

I teared up as I got in the shower.

Maybe everything would be alright.

A Bad Boy, A Gentleman, And A BabyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant