too late

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Matty stood in the door way.

I turned slowly to face him

"What's going on poppet?" He asked

"I, well, he, we" I stuttered

"Were helping Kropp solve an issue " Ross yelled out

"Oh" matty said cocking his eyebrow

"Yeah, uh were thinking of changing our name " Remington  replied

"Gray" matty said looking at me

"Yeah, uh they wanna branch out " I lied

He bought it and said he just came to check up on me and to be ready by 6. I nodded and kissed him and he left.

Dinner was uneventful, his mom loved me and his dad was funny.

His little brother wasn't a big fan, but little kids are like that.

He took me home so I could rest while he went to band practice.

I was laying in bed stressing over everything when I finally turned my phone on and had a missed message from Dom my best friend 

💋🖤 GrayceLynn you got a min?

💫💔 hey dom, sure what's up

💋🖤 I'm gonna be blunt because you're like a sister to me. Whyd you help Matthew in Allentown 

I groaned loudly.  Dom  knew, meaning Emma probably knew.  I groaned again earning a knock on my door

"Come in" I said

"You okay" George asked sitting on my bed

"I guess, just a roadblock" i huffed

"What now" he asked

"Seb figured out the Allentown thing, and when I wouldn't talk about it he told Dom who is Emma's cousin btw" I said

"Want me to shut him up?" Matty asked from the doorway

"I don't know, I'm so confused" i sighed

"Go eat and take a hot bath, well sort this" matty said

I nodded

I texted dom and Sebastian

💫💔 I want no part of this conversation about Allentown. Thanks

I shut my phone off, quickly scarfed down 2 slices of pizza and went and got a bath bomb.

The hot water soothed my body and the bath bomb smelled amazing and also came with a ring which was so pretty.

"Smells like heaven in here" matty said coming in the bathroom

"Vanilla and honeysuckle" I replied showing him my shiny ring

"Why isnt it on that finger?" He asked rubbing my ring finger

"That's for an engagement ring silly" I giggled. He took one of his rings off and placed it on my ring finger

"Matty" I sighed

"Take it as a promise, to you, and to the babies" he said getting up and leaving.  Thinking

I posted an older photo from a show a few nights back to instagram

I posted an older photo from a show a few nights back to instagram

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FallingfromGrayce- promise??🖤 @MattyHealy

MattyHealy,EmersonBear and 352 others liked

MattyHealy- promise a thousand times over poppet

Username- what promise?
Username2- what's happening

EmersonBear- he better promise

SebTheCrab- oh

I prepared my self for Sebastian questioning via text but they never came.

I walked outside and climbed into the tree house Andrew and I had built and decided to talk to Andrew.

Hey bubba, I miss you and mom, hopefully she found you.
I'm having twins, funny huh.
What do I do Andrew? I'm so lost. George tries to help, but he doesn't get me like you did. I need your advice.  I have history with Sebastian. And he makes me feel alive, but so does Matty, and I'm pregnant by him. I love them both.  Matty gave me a promise ring tonight, I think that was my sign.

Just then a cool breeze blew through knocking over a box which contained journal .  I looked at the open page date 4 months ago

December 6, 2008
My sister is so in love with matty its funny, he's so not her type. But he makes her happy. He takes such good care of her, that I never have to worry like I did when she dated Sebastian.  I hope one day he finally asks her out.  I hope he makes her happy forever

-update, he officially asked her to be his girlfriend.  I can die happy die

Die? What did he mean, I flipped through some pages until I landed on one not dated

The seizures are getting worse, the medication isn't working, but we don't have the money to get new ones, it would be easier on everyone if I just killed My self. And I know gray will be okay because she has matty, so that's my plan. Next time I'm alone

After this the pages became messier, indicating when the seizures picked up. I found an entry from the day he died

January 15, 2009
Today's the day, mom and day are out on athe trip, George has band practice and gray will be with them. Ill do it in the tree house. Ill take all of my pills and just go to sleep. 

For Gray,  I love you sister, and I'll always be with you. Never doubt matty is the right choice. He makes you so happy and that's all I want is For you to be happy.  Take care,
Love Andrew.

I started sobbing. And threw the journal out the tree house window

I heard

"Gray you up there" matty asked
"Yeah" I sniffled

"What's this?" He asked handing me the journal

"It was Andrews" I sniffled

I told him about the pages I had found.

We eventually fell asleep in the treehouse only waking when I heard George yelling.

A Bad Boy, A Gentleman, And A BabyWhere stories live. Discover now