CH. 33: Always the only one since the first time

Start from the beginning

I remember carefully and very gently setting the precious books aside, safely on the coffee table, and then attacking my hot bastard on the couch, as we had moved indoor when it began to rain. He always knew how to blow me away and pull out my most bratty, embarrassing side, especially when he told me that he had booked a racing session for us two, also inviting the Mighty Sasha and Vincent. He had sort of gotten over what happened in January, but to be more open with Vince would take longer and I wasn't going to push it, for I knew Oleg very well and entirely respected his nature.

June also brought Dima's and my birthday and this year, I had no chances in refusing a big celebration, so I just gave in and let him plan it for us two. Mom helped in the first part of the organization as in the afternoon we all met in our garden, where we had a pool-party and mom's amazing food and cakes, my parents sharing that moment with us, as some parents friends of them were invited, like Travis's mother, who immediately clicked with mine. After that, we went to some place only that nerd of my brother could come up with and we ended it in a club Travis suggested and booked a couple of tables for us all.

Yeah, the crazy guy was back in New York for a short break and yeah, the birthday party became freaking mental considered the amount of people invited: our usual group of friends, my friends from school, and a couple of the chipmunk's buddies who not surprisingly were in very good terms with Dima. Among them, I realized I wanted to slap that one called Steven for the dirty looks he kept throwing at me, which I understood in a way considered my past, but that got on my nerves at the same time, and then I sort of liked the guy my brother called Texas Ranger because he kept the annoying one on quite a leash and had the time of his life in teasing him. He also was rather funny and a perfect match for Derek's idiocy.

Oleg joined us briefly at the pool-party, but not when we all jumped in the water and did the most idiotic and moronic things ever, and later he came to the club, for he was busy in the afternoon and I definitely didn't want to push his patience. He definitely avoided the mental mess of us in the swimming pool and just sat talking with my father in all of his mouth-watering, stone-and-iron-made and Oleg-like glory. He joined me a moment at the border of the pool for a few minutes only, and I wanted to tear his t-shirt away, but I refrained, for we weren't alone. Freaking hell, he was so relaxed and at ease that I found myself staring at him without moving for many seconds, almost under some spell or stupor.

And right when I was not paying attention and being distracted by my incredible and damn hot man, that doofus of Dima pushed me in the pool and my revenge came by managing to grab him at the very last second before falling into the water and I will never forget his face as he dropped into it dressed. I think I almost drown for how much I laughed at his moronic expression, staring down at his super nerdy Star Wars drenched t-shirt, the chipmunk also pretty much rolling on the grass along with my friends. My brother then laughed in his usual booming way and we tried to fight in the water, the Mighty Sasha, Hayden and Derek joining, declaring myself and Sasha the winners at the end of that super childish madness. River observed us from the border and smiled in his cat-like manner, taking a video of us. I knew he also had missed this and with a quick glance we understood that both shared the same feeling.

I sure had fun in tossing Viola in the swimming pool where it wasn't deep, given she greatly improved with her fear of the water, hearing her giggling and laughing loudly, Lebedev cursing at me and hissing to stop touching his girlfriend. Sharon was another cool chick and we had our personal fun in teasing and bothering Seryozha and pushing him into water when he least expected it, which wasn't an issue considered his swimming skills.

I still couldn't believe at how much he had smoothed his jerk-like attitudes and how he slowly improved his relationship with the Mighty Sasha, or how completely whipped he looked with Viola. He was almost worse than my brother, but hey, I liked seeing my skinny fairy friend so happy and smiling.

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