"Ready to go broke?" She asks with a grin, holding her hand up.

"You know it." I smack her palm, high-fiving her.

• • •

"What are you getting him?" Riley asks, walking beside me through the not-so-busy mall.

"He's been talking about how he wants an Apple Watch." We enter the Apple store and I give them my name.

"What a nice sister." She pats my head. Damn her for being taller than me.

The process of buying the damn watch took thirty minutes, but I eventually got it.

"What store are we going to next?" I ask her, checking the time on my own watch.

She gasps, looking at the store we stopped next to. "Bath and Body works is having a sale today! We have to go in."

"You can go in there." I tell her, skeptical about going in the store I have a bad habit of spending my money at.

She pouts and gets on her knees, starting to beg. She catches the attention of some bystanders and my eyes widen. "Riley, get up." I say, forcing a smile at the people walking past and staring.

She shook her head. "Not until you go with me to Bath and Body Works."

"Fine!" I exclaimed. "Now stand up."

She jumps up excitedly and drags me to the bank account drainer of a body shop.

As soon as we walk in I'm hit with different scents of flowers and sweetness. I hated it. The only time I buy anything from here is squally during the fall, because I love the scents they put out.

Fall is and always will be my favorite season. September to December has all the holidays and cold weather. What's not to like about it?

It wasn't very hard to stop myself from buying much, since I wasn't a fan of sweet smells.

I watch as Riley grabs a bag from a store clerk and starts smelling different sprays.

She sighs in pleasure from smelling one she had in her hand and she hands me the bottle. "You have to smell it."

"As much as I want everything here, I think I already do have everything here sitting in my room at home." I say, putting the bottle down.

She grabs it again and waves it in front of my face. "You know you want it." She teased.

I stare at the bottle in awe before frowning and snatching it from her. "Give it to me."

• • •

"Now that that's out of the way, I'm not going back in there until October." I grumbled, putting my receipt back in the bag.

"Sorry, babe." She smiled apologetically. "Now, what are we eating?"

I look around the options the food court had because I had to agree that I was also hungry. It was around twelve-thirty and I hadn't had breakfast today.

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