never agaιn: cнapтer nιne

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Once those words left his mouth a could feel myself get worried. What if I don't pick the right one? What if I'm stupid and pick Kyle? Or.., what if I'm stupid and I pick Chandler.

I groaned out causing Sam to laugh a bit, " well said. " he teased, smiling. " listen. What do you want to do? Do Kyle or Chandler? "

" do them? " I asked, my eyes widening a bit.

" your going to have to fuck 'em at some point Natalie. " he said and I almost gagged.
I don't know why that almost made me barf.

" I don't know. " I admitted and Sam shrugged.

" well you can't fuck both. "

" I know. I just don't know if I want to fuck either of them. "

Sam raised and lowered one shoulder, " pick one. "

" I.. "

" it's not that hard Natalie. "

I sighed, getting up and grabbing my phone. " okay whatever.. Bye. " I muttered , shoving him out of my room as I dialed Chandlers number.

Chandler picked up on the third ring, as I was shutting the door in Sam.

Chandler; " what? "
Natalie; " I'm sorry. "
Chandler; " so your coming back now, eh? "
Natalie; " I- "
Chandler; " save it. I already found someone else, Her name is Brooklyn. "

As those words escaped his mouth and I heard them my heart sunk.

Already? There has to be a catch.

Natalie; " o-oh.. Good for you, Chandler. "
Chandler; " yup.. "

I sighed before hanging the phone up, pressing my hands to my face as I slid down the wall.


After an hour or so Sam came back for me , telling me it was dinner time but I didn't feel like eating.

Honestly I didn't feel like doing anything.

Bullshit. I trusted him, he was the one person I trusted.
But he blew it. It's done, down to sea, over.

Moments later a slowly stood up to my feet, walking to my bathroom Holding my wrist. I knew what I was about to do.

Quickly I found the drawer where I kept my razor, and I took a bobby pin, taking apart everything until I had a blade. Quickly I cleaned it until everything was off it and it was like new.

The I pulled my sleeve up.

Slowly I pressed the blade up to my wrist when I got a phone call.. Chandler.

At first I hesitated, not caring.

" just one cut " my brain continued to repeat but before I could slid the bald across my pale wrist I answered it.

" what? " I snapped at him through the phone, slamming my hand down on the table.

Chandler; " don't do it. "
Natalie; " what? "
Chandler; " cut. "
Natalie; " bullshit. I wasn't. "
Chandler; " well I got a feeling. "
Natalie; " and I have one too, your a dick. Bye. "

Quickly I hanged up. Done with him. He replaced me in a day, I'm not stupid enough to trust him again.


Quickly I took the blade into my hand and after awhile made 4 semi-deep cuts in my wrist. Then I cleaned them, wrapping them up and cleaning off the blade before putting it away.

Nothing ever happened..


About an hour or so my stepmother called me out for dinner, but I said no. Sadly, I wasn't feeling myself. My arms ached along with my stomach. My brain hurt.. I continuously felt worthless.. everything was falling apart in my eyes.

but i guess that's my fault.. I trusted too easily.
I'm an idiot.

Slowly i laid my head down on the pillow, closing my eyes as i felt my pup slowly move its way under my arm, keeping me company. 

A small, warm smile stayed on my face as I slept.

never agaιn a cнandler rιggѕ ғanғιcтon ♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ