never agaιn : cнapтer eιgнт

142 3 6

I took a breath before stepping onto the damp grass that surrounded the campus of the high school.

People were talking in groups, almost as if it was the movies.

As I walked passed them they glared at me , giving me strange looks. My god these people look stubborn.


Once I entered the school there were lockers all along the hallway walls.

More teenagers were talking in their little clicks while I walked around -- most likely looking lost -- looking for the attendence office.

" Attendence office.. Attendence office.. " I whispered to myself as I walked along the halls.

After about five minutes I finally found it.

" ah. " I sighed in relief as I made my way to the entrance. Soon enough opening the door and walking inside.

A woman who was typing on her computer looked up at me.

" Hello, " She said with a soft, sweet voice. " I'm Julie , may I help you? "

I nodded and stepped up to her desk. " uhm, yes please. " I began, " I need a few things.. "

" that is? " she asked closing her laptop so she was completely focused on me.

I slowly nodded, " oh uh right. " I mumbled, " well I need my schedule. "

She nodded , " normally I would send you to the main office for this but I can try and pull it up for you. " she offered and I nodded.

"Thank you. " I said quietly.

" Your name? " she asked as the woman opened her laptop signing into her account.

" Natalie Baker. " I said and she nodded typing my name in until there was my schedule.

" ah, here it is. " she said looking over at me, " I'm going to print it. The printer is over there it should be printing out of Printer B. "

I nodded and walked over to the printer , waiting as it slowly printed my schedule.

Once it was finished I quickly grabbed it, walking back over to her.

"Okay. " I said as she gathered a few other things such as a map of the school, locker combination, and a few things my parents needed to sign.

" seems like were done here. " she said as the late bell rang, " do you know where your next class is? " she asked and I shook my head.

" nope.. " I mumbled and she nodded.

" hm, well do you know anyone at this school? "

" yes, Chandler R. and Sam E. " I said and she nodded.

" Okay, well nither of them are in your home room so I can call someone from your home room if you'd like. " she offered and I nodded.

"Okay, thank you.. " I mumbled although I didnt mean it.

She nodded and picked up the school phone, dailing my class rooms number then calling the teacher.

Julie: " can you send someone down to the office? Your getting a new student. "

Teacher: " of course. " -muffled noises- Okay, I'm sending Kyle. "

Julie: " amazing. "

Teacher: " okay, see the new student then. "

Julie: " sounds good. Goodbye. "

Soon enough the call was ended and Julie looked to me.

" okay, they're sending someone up. " she said and I nodded putting my papers away.

never agaιn a cнandler rιggѕ ғanғιcтon ♡Where stories live. Discover now