never agaιn: cнapтer тen ♡

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I soon wokeup to a nightmare, my dog no longer next to me. I wouldve moved too if someone I was sleeping withthrashed as they slept. Hell, I wouldve woke them up.

But lets not be silly now, she's a dog.

I didnt really feel like eating even though I havent ate for hours.., my stomach ached but I didnt feel a need to. Chandler was the only reason I ate.

Ugh, what am I thinking? this is rediculous. He moved on..

but maybe if I just skip breakfast i'll feel better.. plus, who cares? he cant stop me.

Yeah.. i'll skip breakfast..


slowly I got up out of mybed, pulling my shorts down with a light sigh. Everything seemed to be going so good and know its just fallen apart..

as I made my way down stairs I started hearing fimilar voice.. one I didnt want to hear for awhile.


As i walked past them I looked down, hoping Chandler wouldnt notice the wrap around my wrist.

Then i heard his voice, the thing that startled me the most.

" what happened? " he asked, getting up from the couch. Sam looked up at him as if confused,he glanced at mywrist and noticed the wrap aswell. his eyes widened a bit and he got up aswell.

Chandler walked over to me, grabbing my hand. i quickly tried to take my hand back for many obvious reasons. Chandler wouldnt let my hand go.

" stop... your hurting me. " I mumbled and Sam put his hand on my shoulder.

" what happened to your wrist Natalie? " He asked, a concerned tone lacing his voice.

i sighed, shrugging. " My dog scratched me on accident. its nothing. " I said and bit my lip looking over at him.

Sam Slowly nodded, taking his hands off my shoulders. " Okay.. come on chandler lets go back to the game before people start raging. " He said, grabbing the play station controller.

Chandler glanced at him and nodded, " okay.. but hey can i go get some snacks first? Natalie will you help me? "

" I dont think you'll need that much food. " sam inturupted causing chandler to cough.

" you dont know that.. please, help me Natalie. " He said and i slowly nodded, bitting my lip.

" o-oh okay.. " i stuttered slightly, making my way to the kitchen with chandler following.


We soon entered the kitchen and Chandler quickly pinned me to the wall grabbing my wrist.

" what is this? " he asked, looking up at me. " I knew something was up. I knew I should've came over. " he mumbled, the grip around my wrist loosening causing my to whimper as it slowly opened the cuts.

" please let go of me. " I begged, whimpering under his grip.

He glanced at my wrist and nodded, slowly letting go; still keeping a tight grip on my other hand.

" you said you weren't going to cut. " he said and looked at me.

" so? " I asked, bitting my lip glancing at our hands.

" you lied. " he said and tilted his head.

" guess so. " I muttered whimpering a bit.

" why? " he asked.

"Why do you care? You have someone else. "

" what does that have anything to do with this? You hurt yourself. "

" I'm aware of that. I didn't it because I needed to. "

" you didn't need to do shit! " he shouted causing me to cringe.

" you don't understand! I'm not perfect. I will never be perfect. " I mumbled, taking my hand back. Chandler quickly snatched it back and put my hand against the wall. He made sure my back was against the wall and looked down at me.

" your perfect what are you talking about? " he asked, taking a light breathe.

I looked up at him and bit my lip. He looked down at him and our eyes met causing him to slowly lean in, closing his eyes. I closed mine as our lips met and slowly his gripped loosened allowing me to be able to wrap my arms around his neck and him wrap his around my waist.

We continued to kiss, he slowly deepened it and I blushed a bit. Slowly I pulled away after awhile, looking up at him.

He pushed a strand of my hair back and I smiled a bit.

" what about Brooklyn? " I asked, bitting my lip. He sighed, looking down at me; his hand slowly rubbing my cheek.

" she wasn't real.. I wanted to make you jealous. " he admitted and my eyes widened, slowly straightening up and looking up at him. I took my hands off of his neck and my facial expression dropped.

" I.. I self harmed because of that.., because of you! " I shouted and Chandler quickly covered my mouth.

" stop. They find out what you did and your going straight back to your moms. " Chandler said and cupped my cheek, " you don't want that right? "

I bit my lip and looked up at him, my eyes obviously showing anger. " you lied to me. "

" you lied to me too. " he said and crossed his arms.

" so you didn't make a scene. "

" maybe it would have been best if I did. "

" it would've made things worse. "

" it would have kept you safe! " he shouted.

" maybe I don't want to be safe." I said quietly, gulping.

He looked down at me and I looked up at him, my eyes matching his blue. He sighed before crashing his lips onto mine, cupping my cheek.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck; tangling my hands in his hair.

" God, I hate you.. " I mumbled against his lips.

He smirked lightly against my lips and pulled my body close to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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never agaιn a cнandler rιggѕ ғanғιcтon ♡Where stories live. Discover now