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"Does my form look okay?"

Jungkook grabs the bottle you hand him from where you're sitting and chugs half the water in it within five seconds. His body is panting, sweaty beauty and you swallow dryly before you reply.
"Looks good."
Your boyfriend stops in his tracks and looks down on you with a smirk, clicking the bottlecap shut with a snap.
"Does it now?"

You throw his towel at him. "Your confidence is something else, Jeon Jungkook."
He laughs deeply, vibrato in his chest, and leans down. "I can't help but want to hear you say it, sweetheart", he rasps quietly, mischief glittering in his eyes. You ignore his comment and stretch to meet his lips for a soft kiss, they taste like salt and Jungkook and you can't help but hum into it. "We'll be finished soon", Jungkook whispers, thumb stroking over your cheek. You nuzzle your face into his hand and he grimaces when the trainer calls for him and his fellow dancers to assemble for a last round. "Wait for me."
You smile up at him as he hands you his towel. "Of course."

Sometimes when you see him dancing, you wish you had the same gift and could share the experience with Jungkook. It's not like you are unhappy with who and where you are, but sometimes when Jungkook gets lost in his world, all concentration and tension, you can't help but feel a littlebit left out.
You don't know that he feels the same when he sees you writing or listening to music on your headphones. It's a world that he'll never be able to enter, pictures and impressions that exist in your mind for your comfort only, and he doesn't belong in it.
But the two of you have tried their best to make your worlds mingle these past weeks, after Jungkook kissed you on your coffee date.
Nothing has ever felt so right, and as you're watching him complete the last choreography for today, you can feel your heart swell up to the point of almost choking you.

"Good work!", the trainer shouts, and the group disassembles. Jungkook returns to you and rubs his face off with his towel. "Good job", you praise past the familiar lump in your throat that forms whenever you see him, and he can't help a smile. "Thank you, princess", he replies softly before he chugs the remaining water in his bottle. "I'll be right back, okay?"
You nod and watch him leave for a shower.
One of his friends, Jimin, comes up to you. He turned out to be the guy that helped you out when you were waiting for Jungkook before your first date, and he's the sweetest angel you could ever imagine.
"Y/N", he chippers, brightness spreading on his face as he smiles. "Good work today."
You slowly push yourself up, groaning as your joints stretch. "I didn't do anything", you mumble, to which Jimin laughs his angelic laugh. "Jungkook always works harder whenever you're around", he grins. "Even the other guys, though they know not to touch you."

"I would hope so", your boyfriend speaks up from behind Jimin, ruffling his half-dry hair. "She's mine."
Your heart blossoms at his words and bursts into a million pieces when he walks up to you, pulls you close to his side by your waist and presses a chaste kiss to your temple.
Jimin merely chuckles. "They wouldn't dare, Kookie." He shakes his sweaty bangs out of his forehead. "Anyway, I'll be on my way. See you around!"
He gives the two of you a short wave, silvery rings blinking on his fingers, and then vanishes to the changing rooms.
Jungkook's lips are still resting on your forehead, nose nuzzled into your hair, and he hums against your skin.
"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
The urge in your throat is too hard to bear, you turn towards him within his grip and reach for his face, pulling it towards you. When your lips press against his, Jungkook's hand slides into your back and he pulls you even closer, the smallest appreciative groan escaping his chest.
"I love you", you mumble against the corner of his mouth, and you can feel a smile spreading on his face.
"You make my heart dance."

The two of you leave the building hand in hand. "Let's get pizza for dinner", Jungkook says, and you chuckle: "I'll have to go to the gym more often", to which your boyfriend kisses the top of your head, "Only if you want to."
He's too good to be true, you think as he leads towards the next Domino's, fingers tightly intertwined with yours. While he orders, you watch the sky outside getting darker and darker, the slightest sunset-coloured pink and gold glimmering on the edges of the clouds that are rolling by.
"Looks like a storm", Jungkook says quietly as he steps up to you from behind, his hand already finding a rest on your hip again. His lips brush against the side of your head.
You hum and lean back against his chest. "Looks like it. I'll make some coffee when we get home."
You can feel Jungkook's lips curl upwards against your skin. "Movie night?" "Yes, please."
Jungkook chuckles lowly, his fingers lift from your hip as your order is called and he steps towards the counter to pay. He returns with two pizza boxes and one smaller box with garlic bread. "Let's go", he says, balancing the boxes in his right while his left reaches for your hand and pulls you with him.
"Let me carry something", you offer, but he shakes his head with a small smile as usual. "No can do, sweetheart."

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