Hannah is a great friend, I'll say that. I'm so glad it's not Zoë that walked in on us sleeping together. I don't think she noticed anything odd about Troye and I's relationship, but if she knew, I would probably feel violated, considering how meddling she can be. Honestly, I love the girl to bits, but I'm pretty sure she was the one that ruined things for Connor and Bethany. Or was it Jenna? Probably both, really. Zoë's that crazy.

I think the reason Hannah was so invested into this was because it so mirrored her own relationship, minus the fact that Troye is out. I guess that's one thing in our favor compared to theirs, but then again, they're actually dating. And kissing. And fucking-


I pick up a shirt that I thought Caspar would appreciate: It was one of those Game Over shirts, where the bride and groom were bathroom-door-like stick figures in a box, and the second box had the man with his arm out and the wife falling halfway down the shirt, the box torn open on the side. That wasn't the best description, was that's as good as you're going to get.

I personally never understood the idea that when a man gets married, his life is over,but at the same time, I never took it too seriously. About 80% percent of the people who say it are joking, secretly glad to have their spouse in their life with them.
With that in mind, I figured Caspar would appreciate this shirt.

"How's this for Caspar?" I asked Hannah, presenting the shirt.

She smiles, and says,"Perfect. You think I could get that for Joe, to show my Jaspar support?"

I laughed, and said,"I dunno how they'll like that, but hell, that'd be hilarious." Because it would.

I kept looking for a shirt then, trying to find a good one for Connor at the moment, but not really finding anything that just screamed CONNOR FRANTASTIC. I moved onto Alfie after that, knowing Hannah already grabbed Alfie something, along with Joe. I grabbed some things for Marcus and now Caspar, so we're at about the same level. But the thing about Alfie is that I don't really know what fits him. He has 'straight white guy style' which basically means that he doesn't have style. You'd think I could just get him anything, then, but he could just as easily like something as not, and it could be two different articles of clothing that are only a couple details apart.

I get so frustrated with these gifts that I end up asking,"Can I just get the Game Over shirts for all of the guys? It'd be easy, and they'd probably like it."

Hannah cocked an eyebrow in my direction, then said,"I don't know how much Zoë will like that for Alfie, but I think that'll be fine. Except for Troye, since that's a straight couple in the shirt."

I shook my head, and told her,"Troye's Jewish, he doesn't celebrate Christmas. So, it's fine, then."

She shrugged, and said,"Still, I figured you'd get him something either way-" she cuts herself off, and appears to be thinking sis thing over, then says instead,"You already got him something, didn't you?"

I nodded, as if this were obvious, and said,"A sweater that will look cute on him, of course."

Hannah rolled her eyes, and said,"Seriously, I don't understand how you two aren't married already. Or at least fucking against a wall-"

"HANNAH HART!" I screeched, which caused several dirty looks to be thrown in my direction. I lowered my voice then, saying under my breath in what I prayed was a menacing tone,"Jesus Christ, Hannah, we're not dating. We've never even kissed!"

"And whose fault is that?"

She got me on that one. "Far enough, but I don't want to kiss him unless I know for sure he'd want that. I don't want to force him into anything, and I don't want to make things awkward between us, or worse, insinuate that I'm a huge slut that sleeps with any gay guy available-"

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