"Attention to what?", a deep, curious voice asks, and you know who it is even before you turn around, simply from the way it makes your skin tingle.
"Nothing", the blonde barkeeper shrugs it off effortlessly. "We were just chatting a bit, since this young lady came here alone today. What can I get you?"
You hold your breath as you turn around and fumble for your glass. Jungkook's dark eyes are resting on your figure; his face is flushed, sweaty perfection, and you've never felt the need to be close to somebody as badly as you do now.
"Whiskey, on the rocks, please", Jungkook orders without turning away from you, and then casually leans against the counter as the barkeeper prepares his drink.
"Why would you come here alone?", he asks, and you take a sip from your cocktail to sort your mind.
"No particular reason", you try to sound casual. "Just felt like it, I guess."

Jungkook's lips twitch, but he only hums as an answer and then reaches for his glass of whiskey offered by the young man behind the counter who's now winking at you. "Do you dance?", Jungkook's deep voice rips you out of your haze again and you can't help a short laugh. "Me? No", you say. "I can't dance."
Something lights up in the young man's eyes. "Bullshit", he says, "everyone can dance. I'll show you."
And before you can protest, he grabs your wrist and pulls you towards the dancefloor with gentle determination.

Not even hands as warm as Jungkook's can melt the stiffness from your muscles. He's moving right in front of you, fingers softly spread on your hips, with a smile that shows how much he loves to do this, but you – you feel amiss. The music reaches you, the beat makes your heart flutter, but you're unable to move along to it. It's not your style, and Jungkook notices.
He clicks his tongue, but it doesn't sound condescending. His eyes bore into yours for a few endless moments before he spins you around in his hands, and easily so. He inches you backwards until your back softly bumps into his chest.

"Comfortable?", he hums into your ear, breath fanning over your neck, and after a second, you slowly nod.
It's not a lie. Despite the fact that you're close to a boy you've barely interacted with, it's not forced or strange. Jungkook is showing you how to dance, and you can feel that he's not after anything else.
What you don't realize is that he still comes to admire how perfectly you fit in between his hands and how your shy, almost clumsy movements still seem to find an unconscious rhythm with his. With Jungkook's hands guiding you, his body moving behind yours, it is almost easy to find the right way to move with him. For the first time, you feel as if your body actually moves along the beat fine. First slow, then faster and faster as the songs roll by, and at some point, you free yourself from Jungkook's soft grip and turn around to him, body moving on its own now.

He smiles when he sees your face, just as flushed as his, before he leans forward and brings his mouth to your ear. "See? I told you", he mumbles over the beat. "You're a good dancer."
His voice sends a pleasant shudder down your spine and you muster a tiny smile. "If you say so, Mr. Jeon."
Immediately after, you gasp silently while Jungkook's lips curl into a smirk. He looks at you with a mixture of amusement and mischief in his eyes, and it makes your heart flutter.
"Oh?", he hums, voice dipping into a low rasp. "So you've been inquiring about me, no?"
You peek at the bar, unable to reply to his question, but the young man follows your glance and the smirk on his lips widens.
"I see, I see", he mumbles to himself.
"Listen, it was just because I was watching you dance", you blurt out and realize too late that you've made things even worse, because Jungkook now cocks an eyebrow in feigned arrogance.

It's absurd how much this little sound falling from his lips makes you feel, you think. You stop dancing and cross your arms in front of your chest, jutting your chin forward. You don't plan on losing to him.
A lazy smile spreads on the young man's face. He's still rolling his body to the music, and you have to muster all your concentration to not let your eyes wander towards his hips. "Why were you watching me dance?"
"You're a very good dancer." You stare right back into his burning eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he quietly chuckles, swings one arm behind his back and bows in front of you in old-fashioned manner.
"Thank you, Mylady." He looks up from below, black almond-shaped eyes peeking out from behinds his bangs, and your heart flutters. "I'm glad you enjoy the view."
His teasing becomes to much, you huff in irritation and turn away to return to the bar. You can hear him quietly laugh from behind, and although it's annoying you to an ungodly point, your chest stings when he's not following you.

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