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Lucas walked into the waiting to room of the ER, and made his way to Jason and Aria and started sobbing.

"Lucas?" Aria questioned slowly Jason gave Arias hand a squeeze.

"It-Its Mona.." Lucas cried "She was in an accident and a car hit the passenger side and another hit the back of the car. Aria broke down crying.

"They are in surgery." Lucas said sniffling.

"They?" Jason asked with his brows raised.

Lucas nodded and started sobbing, "Mason and Mona." He cried.

Aria gasped and fell to the floor in tears. Jason took a minute and realized that this was actually happening, and started to cry.

"Lucas Gottesman?" The doctor called, and Lucas wiped his face and walked to the doctor.


<Aria's POV>

As the doctor called for Lucas, I stood up and buried my head in Jason's chest. I looked at Lucas and the doctor and I immediately started sobbing, because Lucas was. I cried harder and buried my chest deeper into Jason's chest. Lucas came over to Jason and I and I cried so hard. It was like in a movie where everything went in slow motion and you felt like it would never end.

"He's gone! Why?! I can't believe that he is gone." Lucas sobbed. The doctor came back "Sir" he said slowly "My son is dead! Dead because of the dick that hit us!" Lucas yelled. Jason took him outside and talked to him while I stayed with the doctor.

"Your friend, she is awake if you'd like to see her. She is going to be sore and in a lot of pain, she has a broken arm bruised nose and had to get 3 stitches over her left eye." I wiped my tears and nodded. "She is in room 301, on the third floor." The doctor added as he walked away.

I went and told Jason and Lucas but they told me to go ahead and they will be up as soon as Lucas calms down. I walked into the elevator and pushed the button that would take me to the third floor. Once I was alone in Mona's room, with just the two of us I sobbed seeing my best friend in the hospital bed, in so much pain.

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