We walk downstairs to a door and Alex unlocks it with a key and once we step in my eyes go wide.

"This is the girls relaxing and sleep over area, when they don't have a sleep over or don't want to be in their playroom, they come here and read a book or two or do homework" Alex tells me as he walks me around the area, even the fountain worked.

We head to the little house and Alex opens the door and all I saw was beds through the whole little living area

"The two beds on the left with the gold blankets belonged to the girls and the rest of the beds belonged to their friends for when they have a sleepover" He explains as I walk around as it was amazing to He how much he spoils his girls and how ric...

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"The two beds on the left with the gold blankets belonged to the girls and the rest of the beds belonged to their friends for when they have a sleepover" He explains as I walk around as it was amazing to He how much he spoils his girls and how rich he really is.

After a few minutes we leave the downstairs area but I was still amazed at how nice that basement was for the girls.

"I'll show you where the girls sleep last since it's in the main house but let me show you the pool real quick and then we can head out to see the rest of the estate" he explains to me as we walk through the back door and I soon see the pool house and the pool, it was really nice.

"I'll show you where the girls sleep last since it's in the main house but let me show you the pool real quick and then we can head out to see the rest of the estate" he explains to me as we walk through the back door and I soon see the pool house...

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"This is the pool area and on nice summer days we come out and barbecue or cool off, so that's that. Let's go" He says as we go back inside and head goes out front to the Audi Q7 and gets in, he starts the car and pulls off down a dirt road I failed to notice before.

Your probably wondering where the girls at, well Claire and Jack took them out for the day so it was just me and Alex, as for Hunter he was at doggy daycare which he loves to go too. I was pulled from my thoughts when we pull up to a white fence with horses.

 I was pulled from my thoughts when we pull up to a white fence with horses

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My Best Friend (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant