Shifting the Tide

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As soon as Ahsoka reached the planet's atmosphere, her eye was immediately drawn to the sandy beaches and clear waters below. She had, of course, been to a beach before, but not anywhere that looked nearly as inviting as Scarif's coastlines, however artificial she knew them to be.

The energy the planet carried made Ahsoka feel at peace. It was definitely the kyber crystal that she sensed, and if she didn't do something to bring the tower down, the crystal was going to destroy everything. There was a reason not many people messed with large kyber crystals.

TIEs were immediately on her as soon as she could see the citadel tower. For a fleeting moment, she regretted her decision to come alone. There was no way she was going to be able to shoot down the entire Imperial navy, but maybe she didn't have to.

"R2, get Master Skywalker on the line. We need to coordinate something if this is going to work."

R2 beeped frantically.

"The comm is down? They must be jamming us." She swore under her breath. "I'll just have to get his attention myself, then. R2, take over the ship for a second."

She closed her eyes and reached out through the force searching for Anakin. In her mind's eye, she saw a room. There was a glass window overlooking a long, cylindrical database. The room was a control room, she realized. Anakin was there, fiddling with the controls. He wanted something from the Empire desperately, but what?

Whatever it was, he was going to need help, whether he wanted to admit it or not. She searched for Kanan's presence through the force. In her opinion, the Ghost crew was the uniquely suited to help with this mission. They were a crafty group that functioned like a well-oiled machine.

Kanan, if you can hear me, come to the surface with the rest of your crew. General Skywalker needs your help.

She was abruptly brought out of her meditative state when R2 jerked the ship to the left, causing her to hit her head on the back of her seat.

"Hey, watch it, buddy!" She rubbed her head before bringing her hands back to the controls. "I'll take it from here."

She landed continued to fight off TIEs in the air until the saw the Ghost enter the atmosphere. They followed her starfighter to a clearing in a forest not too far from a landing pad connected to the citadel.

Once her ship touched down, she opened the cockpit and took a deep breath in. The salty air and gentle breeze were soothing, regardless of the fact that she knew it was very unlikely she would make it off Scarif alive.

"General Tano," Hera greeted her. "We came as fast as we could. How can we help?"

"Thank you, Hera. If you wouldn't mind helping me down, I can explain everything."

And so, once Ahsoka was on the ground, she drew a map of the area surrounding the citadel in the sand with a stick.

"So here's us," she said, gesturing to the landing pad. "We have two objectives, so we're going to split into two teams." She pointed to the citadel. "There are entrances on every side of this thing, but from what I could tell from above, the easiest way in or out is the shuttle car. We all go in that way, together. From there, we'll split into two teams. Hera, Zeb, and Sabine will go to the database and help cover Anakin and Rex while they get whatever they need. Kanan, Ezra, and I will go to the basement of the citadel and find a way to take care of the kyber crystal."

Kanan's eyes widened. "A kyber crystal? That could destroy the whole planet!"

"I know," Ahsoka said. "That's why we have to get rid of it."

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