Chapter 9 - Feyre

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I'm lying if I say that Amren's words don't startle me. Celaena, or Aelin, I suppose, jerks backwards, eyes widening. They widen further as some realization strikes her. She opens her mouth, but I beat her to it.

"I thought you said your name is Celaena," I snarl.

"I'm not lying. My name, was, and is, Celaena." The girl purrs back. Honestly, she might be the death of me sooner than Tamlin or Hyburn is.

"Then why does Amren call you Aelin?" I demand. I see my mate give Amren a sideways glare, and I know he'll be yelling at Amren for waiting to tell us this. Later, though.

"It is also one of my names, just not the one I chose to give. I feel a little more like Celaena now," Aelin, I'll just stick with Aelin, smirks.

I grind my teeth, highly pissed off with that girl in front of me. "Who are you really?" I hiss.

"Hmmm. Depends what you want as my 'name'?"

"The one you were born with!" Cassian yells, almost flipping the table with his irritance.

Aelin turns those cool eyes on Cassain, and he almost shrinks backwards. I have to admit, this girl is impressing me. "And who are you?" she purses her lips, though I can see the smile she's hiding. She glances around, and she shrinks backward, as if she's scared. I scoff, barely containing my annoyance. "Who are all of you?"

"The Morrigan, Third in command of the Night Court, which is where you are now," Mor declares, flipping her blond hair over one shoulder.

I take a quick moment to admire her regular red dress before turning my gaze to Cassain, who smirks and says, "Cassian, General of the Armies."

Aelin stares unabashedly at his wings. Cassains shifts uncomfortably, and explains, "I'm Illyrian. We're a very low class warrior race."

Aelin raises an eyebrow at that, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she only turns her expectant gaze on Azriel. He swallows audibly, murmuring, "My name is Azriel. I'm Rhys's spymaster, and I'm a Shadowsinger."

Aelin's head cocks at the last word. "I control shadows, and I can speak their language."

Aelin's face pales, but she nods, and looks back towards Rhys. Somehow she's already sensed he's the leader of our Inner Circle. "To answer your question, I was born with the name Aelin, yes. However, that name is slightly well known in my home realm, and I couldn't take any chances."

Amren gives Aelin a look. "Why don't you explain why Aelin is so famous, sweetie?"

Aelin replies with a death glare, but Amren just smiles back. Something about that smile is so terrifying that even Aelin winces a little bit. Her wince seems to come from inner pain more than fear, though.

"Aelin is famous in my home realm because... I'm the Queen of Terrasen."

A Queen? Also, I've never heard of Terrasen, but if she's from another world, it makes sense.

Amren nods. "Thank you. I couldn't tell whether you were Elena's daughter or Hestia's."

Aelin shakes her head. "Rhiannon, I'm descended from Hestia. I'm not her daughter."

Amren, why is Aelin calling her Rhiannon?, frowns. "Aelin, how long has it been since Elena and Gavin defeated Erawan the second time?"

Aelin's tone softens, and I almost pity Amren for the number Aelin's about to give. But it's never smart to pity Amren, so I wisely keep my mouth shut. "Rhiannon, it's been eons. Elena's tale is barely more than a myth now, and the first war would certainly be, except for Maeve, who still survives. Brannon faded to the Afterlife eons ago." She pauses before rushing on. "And Erawan's back again."

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