Chapter Twelve

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The trees along the waterfront looked like colossal, lanky monsters, having shed their foliage, leaving only sharp, angular branches towering into the murky sky. The once luscious field was now a mass of brittle, brown grass. The day was brisk and the wind whipped the dried leaves around their ankles as they walked into town. Wyeth nudged Sawyer with his shoulder and lifted his eyebrows, daring his brother to race him, as they always did in this town. But Sawyer barely noticed. He was busy scouting the perimeter. Violet zipped up her jacket and flipped her ponytail into a loose bun to keep it from thrashing in the wind. Arach trailed behind with a large hood pulled over his head, shadowing his face and features. Katia had her arm around him, just for assurance. He had insisted he was fine to walk on his own, but Katia had persisted and won out.

In town, Sawyer took the lead. He turned and nodded to Arach and Katia who nodded back and retreated behind the corner. Violet and Wyeth followed so as not to draw attention. He paused and took a deep breath. A large smile spread across his face and his posture shifted. It was like a switch that he turned on and off in the faded green doorway of the shop, a large wooden sign flapping in the wind above the door. He had a light swagger to his step as he sauntered in, the bells jangling to announce his arrival. A few moments later he returned to the doorway, Mr. Ferrly's arm around his shoulder. Violet poked her head around the corner when she heard the bells.

Mr. Ferrly bellowed a laugh, "My boy, you do know how to make my sides ache!" He patted him, with a heavy hand and Sawyer almost missed the step out the door.

"You're an easy crowd, sir. A good sense of humor and big heart to boot." Sawyer turned and extended his hand.

Mr. Ferrly took it and pulled him in for a fatherly hug. "I told you if you ever needed anything and I meant it. This is an easy one."

He smiled and waved at Violet, who stepped from the side street sheepishly. She waved and smiled, brushing the loose strands of hair from her face.

"Well, you should have mentioned you had Violet waiting," Mr. Ferrly said cheekily. "I wouldn't have blathered on while she was out in the cold." He leaned in to Sawyer. "You know, you should never leave a lady of that caliber out in the cold. She might find another way to stay warm."

Sawyer blushed and Mr. Ferrly ribbed him lightly.

"I assumed she had run off with one of the two of you when she stopped coming to market with the twins after your boats pulled out. I'm just glad to see it was you and not your brother."

Violet's band snapped and her hair whipped into the air. She laughed as she tried to keep the long, red strands from her face. Sawyer watched as she pulled it to one side and knotted it in on itself. He smiled. His first true smile in quite awhile.

"Lucky young man, "Mr. Ferrly added.

"I sure am, " Sawyer said. "Thank you again, sir. I'll have it back in a day or two."

"Take your time," Mr. Ferrly said pleasantly. "Take your time."

Sawyer walked over to Violet and put his arm around her shoulder. She looked at him with confusion.

"Just go with it," he said through his teeth, turning and waving at Mr. Ferrly. Violet waved too, flashing a sweet and sincere smile. She had always liked the man. He was kind and kindness went a long way in her book.

They rounded the corner as the bells clanged again signaling that Mr. Ferrly had re entered his shop. Wyeth arched an eyebrow at the two. Sawyer's smile widened.

"Looks like I've got the girl and the car," Sawyer smirked, jangling the keys in front of his brother.

Violet gave him a look and he removed his arm from her shoulder. They followed him to the parking lot behind the buildings in the back of the square. They stood around Mr. Ferrly's blue car for a few minutes before Violet finally asked, "anyone know how to drive this thing?"

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