Chapter 1

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°•~America's POV~•°

ughhhhhhhh the sunnnn is outttt

I get up and walk over to the bathroom, tripping on a box before catching myself on the door handle. I hate mornings. they remind me I still have a whole day left to go before I can sleep it all off. I yawn, turning on the light, and grab my toothbrush. I brush my teeth and look in the mirror.

"ew wtf-reak"

I look like I've been shoved into a long rowdy car ride and haven't showered in four days.

oh wait- that's true-

I rinse my toothbrush off and go back into my room, skewed with boxes. I get out some clothes from my duffle bag- a t-shirt and shorts- and take it into the bathroom and shower. I hear Canada knock on my door from the outside.

"Come get breakfast shortie"

I hear his footsteps down the stairs, trailing off. Knowing Canada he's probably eager to eat some mapel syrup- and maybe some pancakes on the side. Aussie is probably sleeping in like he always does until at least 12.

I get out of the shower and slip on my clothes. I walk down the stairs and hear UK yelling at France. great now they're fighting again. I decide to just skip breakfast and unpack my stuff upstairs.

°•~Russia's POV~•°

I get up to the sound of my alarm at 6:30 am. Time for another shift at Wackdonalds. I quickly put on my uniform, grab my ushanka and rush out of the door. My shift starts at 7:00 but I have to walk- plus I don't want to see USSR...

I pass by the new neighbours house. I wonder how many people live there? Or if they are friendly? All of our other neighbors have gotten kicked out pretty quickly but maybe I'll actually have a friend next to me this time..?

I arrive at work and start my shift at Wackdonalds. I usually work the register with Ukraine. She's a bit annoying but I can tolerate her-

"Hey 3 Colors! Where's your funny hat thing?"


I grab my head and notice I don't have my ushanka on. I look around my stuff and don't see it anywhere. I remember leaving the house with it- oh sh-

"Dang it I dropped it somewhere!"

Ukraine snickers obnoxiously. I shrug it off and take the orders, waiting until my shift is done.

°•~America's POV~•°

I FINALLY finish unpacking and my room is looking pretty ok. I have everything in it's place for now. I'm pretty hungry so I figure I'm just gonna go out somewhere for lunch. I don't want to be around UK when he's mad-

I walk down the stairs into the floyé, get on some shoes and head out. I walk outside and realise there's something on the sidewalk.

Isn't that that dude's hat-

I pick it up and realise that it is. I turn the hat over and see a name written neatly on the tag.


I guess that's his name... and I guess I have to return it to him hHhHhHHhhHHhhhhHhhhh

I pick up the hat and start walking down to his house slowly. I ring the doorbell.

No answer.

i guess no one is home... greaaattt now I have to come back lattterrrr

I decide that it wouldn't be good if I left his hat out or went somewhere... then I wouldn't know if he came back-

So I just sit on my porch and wait.

°•~Russia's POV~•°

I clock out and start to walk home, relieved to be out of my shift. I stop at a gas station to change and get something to eat. I choose to get a soda and some chips and continue to walk home.

As I'm walking home I look around for my ushanka. I hope I find it... and I hope no one stole it-

I walk start to walk by the neighbors house and I see a person on the porch. And-

is that the cute boi from yesterday? OH WAIT THERE'S MY USHANKA TOO

The cute boi starts to get up and walk over. He seems a little angst and skittish. He stops in front of me and start to murmur.

"I- I uhhh think this is your- your hat..?"

He gently offers it to me. He's shaking a bit... He must be nervous or shy-

"Oh yeah. Thanks."

I take my ushanka from him. My hand grazed his cold hand but I almost felt a warm buzzy feeling too...

He starts to turn around but then seems like he wants to say something.

"E-Er uhhh-"

He walks back over and hold one of his arms steady.

"W-whats your name-?"

"Oh. My name is Russia. I think I'm your new neighbor."

I smile at him and put on my ushanka. He stands there for a bit and gives me a weak smile back.

"I'm America-"

There's a lull in the conversation and I hear his stomach growl. His face turns a little red.

"o-oh uhh I'm really s-sorry"

I look at him for a second. He's really skinny and short... maybe 5'1. Almost like his growth is a little stunted. I feel bad for him- I kinda wish I could do something..

°•~America's POV~•°

Russia stares at me for awhile. He seems like he's thinking about something.

HHHHhhHhhHHhhh this is so freaking awkward and I'm shaking like heckkkkk

Suddenly, Russia grabs my hand and puts a chip bag in it.

"I gotta go now- you're hungry right? Take this. Cya America."

I stand there dazed, watching Russia walk back to his house. He notices me looking at him and shoots up a little wave just like yesterday. I get really nervous again and dash back inside the house. I run up to my room and flop down on my bed.


I make a voice-cracky scream and open the chips. I stand up and walk over to the balcony, looking at Russia's house. I have no idea how I just talked to a stranger but heck it was cool. I eat some chips and think about the whole encounter.

For once I think that conversation went pretty well... maybe I might have a friend here..

I eat my last chip, savoring the salty crunch.

hope you enjoyed the cringe ;)
more chapters coming soon so like ye
ok baiii

word count: 1075

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