CHAPTER 1 - The First Time.

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It's almost 11:30, I whispered. It was warm in the pool, we had been in there for almost two hours now, but that clearly was not enough for Dylan. I practically shouted over the sound of the splashing water to get Stella's attention. ''Look, I know we're doing this after a long time, but I still have to get home and I don't wanna miss the last bus. STELLA ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!'' I said, pulling myself out of the pool and starring at Dylan and Stella who were in no mood to let me go back home on a Saturday night. 

''Oh, don't be such a killjoy, just stay a couple more, it's not like we have school tomorrow.'' sighed Dylan with almost puppy eyes. It was hard to resist him when he had that face on. The lights in the swimming pool were the only thing that made it possible to see his glittering blue eyes, hopeful that I'd stay. 

'' Yeah, you can call your mom and tell her that you're staying over tonight. I don't think she'll have a problem with that.'' teased Stella, because she knew my mom would never allow that to happen. Mostly because it took hours to convince my mom about sleepovers.

I bent down to the edge of the pool where Dylan's head was popping out of the water, slightly brushing his wet hair with my fingers and looked at him right in the eye and said, '' I know what plans you have for the night and I have no intention of joining in.'', smirkingly. I kissed him on his forehead and pushed him in the water.

''Come on, you know we wouldn't leave you out on any fun.'', he said, raising his eyebrows and giving a sly smile. 

 I walked away from the pool to get my clothes and ''tried'' to dry my hair, obviously failing at it. I quickly changed into some dry clothes. I was wearing my ever-favourite blue jeans and an over-sized t-shirt. I was starting to feel cold and my wet hair was certainly not helping. I had a hoodie with me, but I didn't want to get it wet because of my hair, so I didn't wear it. I randomly sprayed some deodorant to get rid of the chlorine smell and finally packed my stuff.

''Hey Lucy, text me when you reach home'', called out Stella from the pool.

''Yeah, sure. You guys have fun, and please be alive by tomorrow morning.'' I replied.

'' You've set the bar too high!'' shouted Dylan as I closed the door behind me.

I tiredly walked to the front door of Dylan's place. His house always smelled so calm and fresh, maybe because his mom liked scented candles a bit too much. But I liked it, made me feel welcomed every time I entered.

 As soon as I opened the front door, cold winds brushed my face. ''Great! Wet hair and chilly night, what a perfect combination!'' I said to myself, walking out on the street. The bus stop was really close to his place, so it was always easy to come here, considering the fact that I cannot drive yet. I paced my way down to the stop, trying my best to keep my hair in place. It was just after a minute or so that I saw the last bus coming my way. God, was I thankful for reaching there on time.

It was awfully quiet, except for the screeching sound of the bus coming to a halt in front of me. I quickly boarded to escape the cold and looked around for a seat. Well, I didn't actually have to ''look around'' much since it was always almost empty at this hour. I often sat on the window seat at the end of the bus. Since it was empty today as well, I made my way towards it, smiling at  the few passengers that filled the seats up front. I finally sat down, kept my bag next to me and started struggling with my earphones. That is when I heard him chuckle.

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