Pee holding regionals

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The 20 girls in the round have to wear special pants sent to them in the mail with tough string tied In a bowtie, the first girl after the hour and a half mark to undo the bow pull down their pants and pee into a bowl without any urine spurts coming out or peeing themselves or any pee in the pants wins and goes into the second round, same as the 2nd place and 3rd place.

Mia stands there desperate and it's only the hour mark she digs her hand into her crotch (allowed). And gets her knees to meet, the rope is bound tightly around her waist. The hour and a half mark approaches, nearly all of the girls pussy's explode with delight before they can get the not undone . But Mia hangs on she knows if her hand comes out of her crotch it's over, she slowly picks at the  not,  carefully making sure no spurts escape. Mia slips of the pants and throws them to the adjudicators she rolls her panties down her legs. And let's her pussy explode into the bowl  . Mia sees Regina is struggling, and mouths to her to wiggle her legs. But it is to late, Regina's bladder has given way and begins sobbing urine. But Mia has made it to the next round

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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Peeing and pooping  storiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang