SN : "Arraso Dr. Chou."

We headed to my room and I opened the article in my computer. I let Sana unnie read everything......

SN : "This is it?"

TY : "What do you mean? It's important, your career is at sake here."

SN : "Tzuyu-ah don't worry about me, it will be alright."

TY : "Unnie...."

SN : "Trust me okay? I'll call my manager today. It won't do any harm."

TY : "Arraso, I was just worried for you. Sorry for calling you out this late. I'll walk you to your house."

SN : "Okay then lets head out so you can rest. It will be a long day tomorrow for both of us."

TY : "Oh yeah we can go at the same time, want me to pick you up unnie?" I said as we walked out of the gate.

TY : "Oh yeah we can go at the same time, want me to pick you up unnie?" I said as we walked out of the gate

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SN : "That's fine. I don't want to be there early."

TY : "Then I'll just see you tomorrow."

SN : "Yep don't forget to watch me okay?"

TY : "Arraso good night unnie."

SN : "Good night Tzuyu."

I think it's better to let them handle those kind of things since I don't know anything about their profession. I just wanted to make sure that nothing will happen with unnie's career. I don't want her dreams to be ruin because of me.

NAYEON'S POV [Same day]

DH : "Okay Ms. Im, you should be okay for today."

NY : "Thank you Dubu. Then I'm leaving."

JH : "Unnie want me to give you a ride?"

MN : "Jihyo unnie you don't have to Jeong's probably waiting for her."

NY : "Ani, she didn't mention anything to me. Maybe she already went home."

JH : "Ahhh then I'll give you a ride back to her apartment."

NY : "Arraso."

DH : "Haha how bout we bet on it?"

JH : "On what?"

DH : "I'm sure Jeong is waiting for her."

MN : "Hmm me too unnies."

JH : "Haaaay don't give Nayeonnie false hope."

NY : "It's okay I'm not expecting anything from her anyway."

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