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I spend most of my days practicing for competition and when I get my day offs. I go outside with my friends. All of them always invite me to go to bars and I always end up to give someone a ride back to there home. Every where I go there's always paparazzi following me. They ended up naming me the playboy of the country. 

What they didn't know is I go to bars because I didn't want to reject my friends offer but I like to spent my days more on exhibits. That's the only thing I hide from this world. 

Today I arrived at Seoul Convention Center, they have cultural events but I really want to see the art exhibit.


CY : "Right in time Hyung!" 

JY : "Son Chaeyoung if you want to go tho this kind of event just do it on your own."

CY : "Hyung you know I don't want anyone to know expect for my family."

JY : "Haha afraid that they will know that the so called playboy is actually a nerd?"

CY : "Yah hyung! I'm not a  nerd. I just find it interesting."

JY : "Arraso, here." She handed me the ticket. "I'm leaving I have work to do."

CY : "Thank you hyung! Drive safe okay?"

I went inside and looked around took some pictures and bought some paintings for my house. I was on my way out when I saw the theater doors opened. I thought of watching it since I'm already here.

The music started to play the ballerina's made their entrance. "Black swan huh." I whispered to myself.

Everybody seems like they're part of the show. Then the black swan made her appearance, she was shinning in the middle of the stage. She dance elegantly without any expression on her face. The whole show I was only looking at her. 

"That was amazing. Time to head home." I said to myself as I make my way out. 

I was surprised when she walk out of the door. I muster up all my courage and approach her.

CY : "Hi-i you were amazing back there." I stutter.

MN : "Thank you :)"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

MN : "Thank you :)"

She look more beautiful up close. Her beauty was addicting.

CY : "Do you want to have coffee?" The words just slip through my lips.

MN : "Thank you for the offer but I have work to do besides I don't go out with someone I just meet." She smiled and walk away from me.

CY : "Pabo Chaeyoung-yah! You probably creep her out." I said to myself out loud.

JANITOR : "That's okay she's like that with everyone. She's pretty right?" Said by the old guy standing beside me.

MY UNDYING HEART [2YEON]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن