Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to zamnelna

Daniaal ^^

Liam's POV

"Are you nervous?" Hunter asked as we waited for Dad to finish dressing Faybelle. She's teething so she's a bit cranky and didn't want to get dressed. She finally settled down enough to pull her on baby grower.

"Can you tell?" I asked with a soft chuckle.

Nervous was an understatement. My entire body felt like vibrating with how hard I was bouncing my left leg.

"You're bouncing your leg pretty fast," He responded with a chuckle as he gestured to my leg, "I don't get why you're so nervous. We're just going for supper to Caleb's. Sure Daniaal and his parents are going to be there but it's not that bad."

"Not that bad? He's my ex boyfriend and I'm meeting his mate for the first time. Shouldn't I be nervous? The guy doesn't even like me and we've never met. I want to make a good impression." I said as Dad and Pops came down the stairs with a sleeping Faybelle wrapped in her blanket covered with pictures of sheep.

"Where's Madelyn Rose? She should be downstairs by down." Pops asked with a frown just as she came running out of her room.

"I'm almost ready!" She squealed as she hopped on on leg to get her other heel on her right foot,"Give me two minutes let me just grab my phone!" she said before she ran into her room again.

We heard her bump into a few things and drop a few things as she tried to find the device.

"That girl is never on time. I swear she'll be late to her own wedding!" Pops said with a shake of his head.

Pops walked over to the pram in the corner of the lounge and Dad placed Faybelle inside. He grabbed her bag from the basket under and checked if she had nappies, a change of clothes, baby wipes, her nappy packets, and a few toys.

Maddy came running down the stairs, almost face planting when she tripped on the last step  as she waved her phone in the air.

I've taken to calling her Maddy now. I let the nickname slip earlier on and she nearly burst into tears when she heard me call her that. It used to be the name I called her when we were younger. She insisted I don't call her by her full name and instead stick to her nickname, Maddy.

"I'm ready!" She pronounced out of breath.

I shook my head at my sister but Hades couldn't help but feel like we missed this. We miss all of this, the laughter, the jokes, the family moments, we even miss this feeling of being annoyed when Maddy couldn't ever be on time.

"Finally, come on." Pops said as he pushed the pram. Hunter and I got off the couches and we all left the house. Dad made sure to latch the front gates.

We decided to walk, it was a beautiful summer evening and Caleb's home was like 10 minutes away.

We walked in comfortable silence and I couldn't help but think about what I learned today.

"What are we going to do Hades?" I asked on our mind link.

>I honestly don't know Liam. Finding out we do have a mate and all the dynamics behind it is rather frightening. We know how we feel but how can we explain to other that there's no connection or pull to anyone? I suppose we could wait for Roxy and James to come back with information but I think they won't find anything< He said and I sighed.

"It's terrifying to be honest. Where do we go from here? I feel so conflicted and I'm not even sure how to handle the news. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet Hades. Maybe dying and coming back messes up your mind and I'm slowly going mad." I said with a small chuckle.

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