Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to moneyhungrey

Liam's POV

"Sorry about the mess. Dad insisted I make sure your part of the room is clean again." Hunter said sheepishly as I eyed "my side" of the room.

Hunter and I, from our teenage years shared a bedroom together. Madelyn Rose was a girl and hence got her own room which she'll have to share with Faybelle now. The room was big enough for two King sized beds, two nightstands and cupboards that lined one side of the entire wall.

My side was clean and free of junk while Hunter's was a bit messy. His clothes lay around, on a small chair and some on the floor. Atleast there wasn't dirty socks and dirty plates and bottles lying around.

"It's okay. It's cleaner than I've seen in awhile. Who used to sleep in my old bed?" I asked as I placed my bags on the bed.

"If I'd have sleepover, Chance and Raphael would sleep in that bed and I'd be in mine. I don't think Chance would ever let Raphael sleep in any other man's bed." Hunter chuckled as he thought of the two of his closest friends.

Raphael and Chance, from what I can remember about them, used to be the worst of enemies. They were always at each other's throats, fists raised and they'd been in more than a few fights. It used to drive everyone nuts, they used to fight like cats and dogs... Well like cats and wolves.

When they both turned seventeen, they suddenly became closer, fought less, turns out they were in a relationship together and then when they turned eighteen they found out they were mates.

"They still fight so much?" I asked as I set about packing what clothes I had in my set of cupboards.

I'll have to go and buy new ones because I'm pretty sure half of them don't fit anymore.

"Yeah," he said with a chuckle as he shook his head, "it annoys me so much sometimes I just want to lock them up in a room together but they'd just end up fucking and come out arguing about something else."

"And you? Find that special someone yet?" I asked as I placed all my shirts in the cupboard.

I turned around to look at Hunter when he remained quiet.

>He is not sure how to approach the subject, with our history and all. He fears your reaction to the mention of a mate< Hades explains.

"Hunter, I know what I did and I know what caused me to spiral. But you don't have to be scared to mention "mate" or talk about the subject. I'm okay and I will be okay." I said softly as I smiled at my brother.

He got teary eyed before he walked forward and hugged me tightly.

"I just missed you so much." He said as he hugged me tighter, I simply wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back.

I missed him too, so so much.

"I missed you too and I promise to spend as much time with everyone as I can." I said as I offered him a small smile.

He nodded and stepped back. He wiped his tears before sniffing softly.

"I haven't met them yet. I guess it's coz I'm still figuring out who I am and my sexuality? Like I'm not sure if it's guys or girls or both I'm attracted to. I just haven't felt a connection strong enough with either of them. Sorry, I didn't mean to lay that all on you." He said as he rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly.

"It's cool. I know I'm hardly the person to know anything about relationships but if you want to talk, I'm here for you." I said and turned around to pack the rest of my jeans, hoodies, underwear, socks and shirts away.

"Thanks man." He said and plopped himself onto his bed and took out his phone.

Well, I guess that's the end of that conversation.

I grabbed my toiletries and placed them in the bathroom.

"Liam!" I heard my Popz scream as he called me from the other side of the house.

I called out yes before following his voice to the dining room.

"I've spoken with the majority of the pack and they would like to meet you, enquire about your health and see how you're doing. I've mentioned your desire to hold a meeting and everyone has said they're free. Some have to leave early because it is a school night and the kids have homework to do and others have family and business matters to attend to. So you can have that meeting of yours." Popz said and nodded at me.

I thanked him before I felt the surge of power flow through me before Hades' voice echoed through all of our mind links.

>Good Day everybody. It is with great pleasure that I announce the pack meeting that will take place today at exactly 4 o' clock. May everyone please be present because I have an extremely important matter to discuss.

Thank you!< Hades' strong powerful voice brooed no arguments and it was clear the Alpha is back in charge.

>Liam do you remember what we discussed?< Hades asked and I didn't have to ask what was he referring to, we do share one body and mind and I know him better now then I ever did.

"Yes I do, Hades. And I agree. I would feel much more secure and happier to know that we both are present at all times", I mentally replied to him my affirmation.

No sooner than I uttered the words, I knew that the relationship changed between us. Usually it is either the human or wolf in charge of our body and the other would be able to keep an eye on what is happening or pop up now and then. However now, it would always be the both of us at the forefront at all times. Like driving a car, we each had one hand on the wheel, steering us and guiding us, together.

"Liam, your e-eyes." I heard my father gasp out and I nodded.

Since we both are at the forefront my eyes are now two different colors, both are half blue, half green, that is Hades' new colour. As blessed by....

"It is the colour to show the union and the new relationship of power between us. We both are of equal relationship and status. Liam is Hades and Hades is Liam. We are one and the same." We said together and my father just blinked at us in shock.

It has never been done before.

Well today marks the dawn of a new era.

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