Chapter 22: Too Many Men, Part 1

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     Madison heard a bang at her door while munching on a creme filled donut. She had to wipe all of the powered sugar from the donut that had accumulated on her hands. “Just a minute!" she exclaimed while grabbing a napkin from the kitchen table.

     A minute later she answered the door and was disappointed at who was standing there. It was her ex husband. “What do you want?" she asked him.

     “Seeing you yesterday brought back some memories, both good and bad. Do you want to talk?" Jeff replied.

     “Well, no, not really. Come in though. I guess you won't go away until we talk." Madison moved out of the way to let Mark in.

     Mark entered Madison's home and sat on the rug. Madison sat on the rug next to him. It was at that moment that she remembered that her half eaten creme filled donut was still on the kitchen table where she left it. She was getting up to go to the kitchen, when she asked if Mark wanted one. He said no.

     She returned a minute later with her pastry and a cup of coffee clutched in her hand. She took a sip while she sat on the rug and while Mark  started to speak. “Like I said before seeing you yesterday brought back some memories, both good and back. Bad as in the moment when we signed our divorce papers and good as in when we went on our honeymoon to Hawaii. That was a fun week." He smiled.

     Madison enjoyed hearing about their honeymoon. It was a fun week. A lot of memories were created there. “Yeah," Madison responded. “But you have to remember why we got divorced." She imagined their last argument before their divorce.

     “That's true. Our divorce isn't something I want to remember though."

     “We got divorced because we couldn't agree on anything. You wanted children. I didn't. You wanted to move to Florida. I didn't. I remember that got you really mad. Let's see... I wanted to finish college but you said that would interfere with our lives. I remember that go me really mad.  Then there were the arguments, and the..."

     “Okay. I get it Madison," Mark interrupted Madison. “I think our relationship could work out now though. I've changed and maybe you have too."

     “Mark, we haven't had a relationship in years. Our divorce was ten years ago," Madison told him.

     Mark smiled. “I still think that we can get back together," he said. He touched Madison's cheeks and kissed Madison on the lips. And then again. And then once more, this time for a full minute. Madison started kissing him back on this lips too.

     “WAIT!!" Madison yelled as she shot up and pulled Mark away from her. “This isn't right. I'm sort of seeing someone right now."

     Mark stood up to make eye contact with her. “Really?" he asked.

     “Yes. And my second husband just passed away too."

     “WHAT?!" Mark screamed. He seemed absolutely shocked.


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