Chapter 17: Shooting, Part 2

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When Madison saw the gun clutched in the man's hand, she got really scared and started to run away. Then she started to hear heavy footsteps behind her, and when she stopped to listen for anything, the footsteps stopped as well.

Turning around was a terrible idea, because those footsteps, you guessed it, were the man's footsteps. He grabbed her by the neck. "Don't try to run away. I don't feel like killing anyone else today."

"What do you mean?" asked Madison.

"Well I shot someone this morning," the apparent killer told her while unwrapping his arms from her neck.

"Oh, lovely!" exclaimed Madison with a smile.

"Why are you smiling at me?"

"I just thought of a way to escape!" Madison sprinted away from the man. She was running so fast that her legs felt like they were going to fall off. She was sweating. Her ribs hurt. But most of all, she was crying because she was able to escape a situation in which she almost died; and for that, she was pretty darn proud of herself.

Boy, she thought when she arrived home and checked to see that the killer didn't follow her home and was out of sight, that's going to be a story to tell the children.

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